Publications 2024

Rajaonarimalala, R., Y. Korol, A. Andrianarimisa, S. Dröge, T.R. Fulgence, I. Grass, H. Kreft, K. Osen, A.A.N.A. Rakotomalala, B. Rakouth, H.L.T. Ranarijaona, R. Randriamanantena, F.M. Ratsoavina, L.H.R. Ravaomanarivo, E. Raveloaritiana, D. Schwab, M.R. Soazafy, T. Tscharntke, A. Wurz, D. Hölscher & D.A. Martin, 2024. Complex stands in forested tropical landscapes harbor more endemic biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Global Ecology and Conservation,

Kikuchi, T., D. Seidel, M. Ehbrecht, D.C. Zemp, F. Brambach, B. Irawan, L. Sundawati, D. Hölscher, H. Kreft & G.B. Paterno, 2024. Combining planting trees and natural regeneration promotes long-term structural complexity in oil palm landscapes. Forest Ecology Management 569, 122182.

Wang, C., Y. Heng, Q. Xu, Y. Zhou, X. Sun, Y. Wang, W. Yao, M. Lian, Q. Li, L. Zhang, Ü. Niinemets, D. Hölscher, J. Gielis, K.J. Niklas & P. Shi, 2024. Scaling relationships between the total number of the leaves and the total leaf area per culm of two dwarf bamboo species. Ecology and Evolution 14, e70002.

Montoya-Sánchez, V., N. Camarretta, F. Brambach, G. Paterno, M. Ehbrecht, N. Guerrero-Ramírez, D. Hölscher, H. Kreft, B. Irawan, M. Schlund, L. Sundawati & D.C. Zemp, 2024. Comparing airborne and terrestrial LiDAR with ground-based inventory metrics of vegetation structural complexity in oil palm agroforests. Ecological Indicators,

Luo, S., B. Schmid, A. Hector, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, K. Verheyen, N. Barsoum, J. Bauhus, F. Beyer, H. Bruelheide, O. Ferlian, D. Godbold, J. Hall, P. Hajek, Yuanyuan H., D. Hölscher, H. Kreft, Xiaojuan L., C. Messier, C. Nock, A. Paquette, J.D. Parker, W.C. Parker, G.B. Paterno, P. Reich, B. Rewald, H. Sandén, K. Sinacore, A. Stefanski, L. Williams, N. Eisenhauer, 2024. Mycorrhizal associations modify tree diversity−productivity relationships across experimental tree plantations. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.19889.

Pallavi, A. Röll, I. Marques, D.N. Ramadhani, A. Valdes-Uribe, Hendrayanto & D. Hölscher, 2024. Changes in leaf area index by tropical forest transformation to plantations increase below-canopy surface temperatures. Global Ecology and Conservation, e03001.

Wenzel, A., C. Westphal, D. Berkelmann, J. Ballauff, F. Brambach, D. Buchori, N. Camarretta, M.D. Corre, K. Darras, S. Erasmi, G. Formaglio, D. Hölscher, N.A. Iddris, B. Irawan, A. Knohl, M.M. Kotowska, V. Krashevska, H. Kreft, Y. Mulyani, O. Mußhoff, A. Polle, G. Paterno, A. Potapov, A. Röll, S. Scheu, M. Schlund, D. Schneider, K.T. Sibhatu, C. Stiegler, L. Sundawati, A. Tjoa, T. Tscharntke, E. Veldkamp, P.-A. Waite, M. Wollni, D.C. Zemp & I. Grass, 2024. Balancing economic and ecological functions in smallholder and industrial oil palm plantations. PNAS, e2307220121.

Cortés-Molino, Á., A. Valdés-Uribe, F. Ellsäßer, M. Bulusu, Hendrayanto, D. Hölscher & A. Röll, 2024. Combining UAV thermography, point cloud analysis and machine learning for assessing small-scale evapotranspiration patterns in a tropical rainforest. Ecohydrology, e2604.

Blondeel, H., J. Guillemot, N. Martin-StPaul, S. Bilodeau-Gauthier, J. Bauhus, C. Grossiord, A. Hector, H. Jactel, J. Jensen, C. Messier, B. Muys, H. Serrano-León, H. Auge, N. Barsoum, E. Birhane, H. Bruelheide, J. Cavender-Bares, C. Chu, J.R. Cumming, A. Damtew, N. Eisenhauer, O. Ferlian, S. Fiedler, G. Ganade, D.L. Godbold, D. Gravel, J.S. Hall, D. Hölscher, K.B. Hulvey, J. Koricheva, H. Kreft, C. Lapadat, J. Liang, X. Liu, C. Meredieu, S. Mereu, R. Montgomery, L. Morillas, C. Nock, A. Paquette, J.D. Parker, W. Parker, G.B. Paterno, M.P. Perring, Q. Ponette, C. Potvin, P. Reich, J. Rentch, B. Rewald, H. Sandén, K. Sinacore, R. Standish, A. Stefanski, P.C. Tobin, M. van Breugel, M. Vergara Fagundes, M. Weih, L.J. Williams, M. Zhou, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, K. Verheyen & L. Baeten, 2024. Tree diversity reduces variability in sapling survival under drought. Journal of Ecology,

Zheng L.T., K.E. Barry, N.R. Guerrero-Ramírez, D. Craven, K. Verheyen, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, Z. Zhao, H. Auge, N. Barsoum, J. Bauhus, D. Binkley, H. Bruelheide, J. Cavender-Bares, J. Dolezaal, N. Eisenhauer, M. Fagundes, O. Ferlian, S. Fiedler, D.I. Forrester, G. Ganade, T. Gebauer, J. Haase, P. Hajek, A. Hector, B. Herault, D. Hölscher, K.B. Hulvey, B. Irawan, H. Jactel, J. Koricheva, H. Kreft, V. Lanta, S. Mereu, C. Messier, F. Montagnini, M. Mörsdorf, S. Müller, B. Muys, C. Nock, A. Paquette, W. Parker, J. Parker, J. Parrotta, G. Paterno, M.P. Perring, D. Piotto, W. Polley, Q. Ponette, C. Potvin, J. Quosh, P.B. Reich, B. Rewald, J. van Ruijven, R. Standish, A. Stefanski, L. Sundawati, D. Tilman, J. Urgoiti, L. Williams, B. Wilsey, Bayu Yang, Li Zhang, D.L. Godbold, H. Sandén, J. Leps, A. Ebeling, A. Weigelt, B. Schmid, M. Fischer, W. Weisser, Enrong Yan & Y. Hautier, 2024 Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. Nature Communications 15:2078.

von Groß, V., K.T. Sibhatu, A. Knohl, M. Qaim, E. Veldkamp, D. Hölscher, D.C. Zemp, M.D. Corre, I. Grass, S. Fiedler, C. Stiegler, B. Irawan, L. Sundawati, K. Husmann & C. Paul, 2024. Transformation scenarios towards multifunctional landscapes: A multi-criteria land-use allocation model applied to Jambi Province, Indonesia. Journal of Environmental Management 356, 120710.