Publications 2009

Köhler, M., Dierick, D., Schwendenmann, L. & Hölscher, D., 2009. Water use characteristics of cacao and Gliricidia trees in an agroforest in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Ecohydrology 2: 520-529.

Poppenborg, P. & Hölscher, D., 2009. The influence of emergent trees on rainfall distribution in a cacao agroforest (Sulawesi, Indonesia). Flora 204, 730-736.

Adamek, M, Corre, M. & Hölscher, D., 2009. Early effect of elevated nitrogen input on aboveground net primary production of a tropical lower montane rain forest, Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology 25, 637-647.

Oxmann, J., Schwendenmann, L., Lara, R., 2009. Interactions among phosphorus, pH and Eh in reforested mangroves, Vietnam: a three-dimensional spatial analysis. Biogeochemistry 96, 73-85.

Vandecar KL., Lawrence D., Wood T., Oberbauer SF., Das, R., Tully, K., Schwendenmann, L., 2009. Biotic and abiotic controls on diurnal fluctuations in labile soil phosphorus in a wet tropical forest, Ecology 90, 2547-2555

Dierick, D. & Hölscher, D., 2009. Species-specific tree water use characteristics in reforestation stands in the Philippines. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149, 1317-1326.

Hölscher, D., Dunker, B., Harbusch, M. & Corre, M., 2009. Fine root distribution in a lower montane rainforest of Panama. Biotropica 41, 312-318.

Derwisch, S., Schwendenmann, L., Olschewski, R., Hölscher, D., 2009. Estimation and economic evaluation of aboveground carbon storage of Tectona grandis plantations in western Panama. New Forests 37, 227-240.

Gebrekirstos, A., Teketay, D., Fetene, M., Worbes M., Mitlöhner R., 2009. Stable carbon isotope ratios in tree rings of co-occurring species from semi arid tropics in Africa: patterns and climatic signals. Global Planetary Change 66, 253-260.

hao, P. & Hölscher, D., 2009. The concentration and efflux of tree stem CO2 and the role of xylem sap flux. Frontiers of Biology in China 4, 47-54.

Krämer, I. & Hölscher, D., 2009. Rainfall partitioning along a tree diversity gradient in a deciduous old-growth forest in Central Germany. Ecohydrology 2, 102-114.

Nieschulze, J., Erasmi, S., Dietz, J. & Hölscher, D., 2009. Satellite-based prediction of rainfall interception by tropical forest stands of a human-dominated landscape in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Hydrology 364, 227-235.


Krämer, I., 2009. Rainfall partitioning and soil water dynamics along a tree diversity gradient in a deciduous old-growth forest in Central Germany

Dierick, D., 2009. Water use characteristics in trees and bamboo in reforestation and agroforestry stands in the tropics.