Publications 2005

Gebrehiwot, K., Muys, B., Haile, M., Mitlöhner, R., 2005. The use of plant water relations to characterise tree species and sites in drylands of Northern Ethiopia. J. Arid. Environ. 60: 581-592

Hölscher, D., Koch, O., Korn, S., Leuschner, Ch., 2005. Sap flux of five co-occurring tree species in a temperate broad-leaved forest during seasonal soil drought. Trees 19, 628-637.

Sajjaduzzaman, MD., Mollik, AS., Mitlöhner, R., Muhammed, N., Kamal, MT., 2005. Site index for Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) in forest plantations of Bangladesh. Int. J. Agr. Bio. 7(4): 547-549.

Schwendenmann, L., Veldkamp, E., 2005. The role of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen and dissolved inorganic nitrogen in a tropical wet forest ecosystem. Ecosystems 8, 339-351. Abstract

Steppe, K., Lemeur, R., Dierick, D., 2005. Unravelling the relationship between stem temperature and air temperature to correct for errors in sap-flow calculations using stem heat balance sensors. Functional Plant Biology, 32, 599-609


Vu, Thi Que Anh, 2005. Floristic composition and growth dynamics of Riparian forests in North-East Vietnam