Publications 1999
Hölscher D, Asche N, Beese F (1999): Langfristige Effekte einer Waldkalkung auf bodenchemische Parameter, mikrobielle Biomasse und Regenwurmbesatz. Forstarchiv 70, 127-132.
Ludwig B, Khanna P, Hölscher D, Anurugsa B (1999): Modelling changes in cations in the topsoil of an Amazonian Acrisol in response to additions of wood ash. European Journal of Soil Science 50, 717-726.
Mitlöhner R (1999):> Ortung von Grundwasservorkommen durch physiologische Messungen an Bäumen im Chaco Central, Paraguay [Localisation of groundwater resources via physiological measurements on trees in Chaco Central, Paraguay]. Scientific report on behalf of Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Hannover, 33p
Mitlöhner R (1999): Site conditions reflected by the internal water status of trees. In: Breckle, S.-W., Schweizer, B., Arndt, U., (Eds.), Results of worldwide ecological studies. Proc. 1st Symp. A.F.W. Schimper-Foundation, Hohenheim, 14.-16.10.1998
Lu, Yuanchang (1999): Development of models for sustainable management of the mixed tropical rain forests in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, PR of China.