Publications 2003
Brodbeck F, Happla F, Mitlöhner R (2003): Traditional Forest Gardens as Safety for Rural Households in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Proc. Intern. Conf. Rural Livelihoods, Forest and Biodiversity, Bonn, May 19-23, 2003
Frech A, Leuschner Ch, Hagemeier M, Hölscher D (2003): Nachbarschaftsbezogene Analyse der Kronenraumbesetzung durch Esche, Winterlinde und Hainbuche in einem Laubmischwald (Nationalpark Hainich, Thüringen). Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 122, 22-35.
Gebrehiwot K, Muys B, Haile M, Mitlöhner R (2003): Introducing Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst and its non-timber forest product, frankincense. Intern. For. Rev. (4): 348-353
Hertel D, Leuschner Ch, Hölscher D (2003): Size and structure of fine root systems in old-growth and secondary tropical montane forests (Costa Rica). Biotropica 35, 143-153.
Hölscher D (2003): Bestandesstrukturen und biogeochemische Stoffumsätze in temperaten und tropischen Mischwäldern. Habilitationsschrift, Faculty of Biology, University of Göttingen.
Hölscher D, Köhler L, Leuschner Ch, Kappelle M (2003): Nutrient fluxes in stemflow and throughfall in three successional stages of an upper montane rain forest in Costa Rica. Journal of Tropical Ecology 19, 557-565.
Krämer I (2003): Monitoring of Natura 2000 Freshwater Habitats – A suggested program for Natura 2000 lakes and watercourses in the County of J önköping/Sweden. Länstyrelsen i Jönköpings län, Meddelande 2003:21, 84 p.
Schwendenmann L, Veldkamp E, Brenes T, O’Brien JJ, Mackensen J (2003): Spatial and temporal variation in soil CO2 efflux in an old-growth neotropical rain forest, La Selva, Costa Rica. Biogeochemistry 64, 111-128. Abstract
Sivananthawerl T, Mitlöhner R (2003): Plant Water Relations as Indicators for Eucalyptus spp. Selection for New Planting Sites in Nuwara Eliya Division of Sri Lanka. Ceylon J. Sci. (Biol. Sci.) 31: 1-11
Tam TQ, Duong TD, Mitlöhner R (2003): Moi quan he giua Ngon Nuoc va cac Kieu Rung Nhiet doi Gio Mua Trong Khu vuc Ven Bien Dong Nam Bo (Viet Nam) [Water status and monsoon forest types of the southern Vietnamese coastal belt]. Thong Tin Khoa Hoc Ky Thuat Lam Nghiep (Hanoi) 2: 16-23
Veldkamp E, Becker A, Schwendenmann L, Clark DA, Schulte-Bisping H (2003): Substantial labile carbon stocks and microbial activity in deeply weathered soils below a tropical wet forest. Global Change Biology 9, 1171-1184. Abstract
Vu TQA, Worbes M, Mitlöhner R (2003): Tree growth dynamics of two natural secondary gallery forest stands in West Yen Tu Reserve, Northeast Vietnam. Paper presented at the Conference on 'Technological and Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Rural Development', Deutscher Tropentag 2003, Göttingen, October 8-10, 2003. Abstract
Zimmermann R, Horna V, Dietz J, Schröder R, Börner A (2003): Estudio Multitemporal para Calcular la Tasa de Deforestación en la Cuenca del Alto Mayo, Perú.- Bericht an die Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 63 S
Arifin, Yudi Firmanul (2003): Traditionelle Rattangärten in Zentralkalimantan, Indonesien
Gebrehiwot, Kindeya (2003): Ecology and Management of Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst. Dry Forests in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
Kyaw, Nyi Nyi (2003): Site Influence on Growth and Phenotype of Teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f.) in Natural Forests of Myanmar