Projects and Participating Researchers
Project E1:
Quantum-gas microscopy of large-scale bosonic quantum gases
J. Zeiher (MPQ Garching)
I. Bloch (MPQ Garching)
In this project, we will explore the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of
large-scale bosonic quantum gases using a combination of microscopic
control and detection. We will address three broad areas, namely many-body
localized systems in one and two spatial dimensions, spin transport in
large-scale Heisenberg models and constrained dynamics in lattice gases
coupled to long-range interacting Rydberg states. We will explore these
systems in an experimental quantum simulator featuring a quantum-gas
microscope, which allows for single particle sensitive preparation,
manipulation, and detection of many-body systems. Touching on the three
central objectives of the research unit, we plan to closely collaborate
with all theoretical projects.
Figure taken from Choi et al., Science 352, 1547 (2016).
Project E2:
Non-ergodic dynamics in tunable Bose-Hubbard models
M. Aidelsburger (LMU Munich & MPQ Garching)
I. Bloch (LMU Munich)
Within this project, we are going to complete the development and
construction of a tunable experimental platform based on the unique
properties of ultracold Cs atoms, which combines bichromatic
superlattices, state-dependent lattices, Feshbach resonances and
quantum-gas microscopy in order to study non-ergodic dynamics beyond
conventional many-body localization and standard Bose-Hubbard models.
Additionally, we are going to investigate the rich relaxation dynamics of
tilted Bose-Hubbard models in one- and two-dimensions. Tilted Hubbard
models are expected to perturbatively exhibit fragmentation in the limit
of large tilts. One of the most striking signatures of fragmentation is
the strong initial-state dependence of the relaxation dynamics, which can
be directly observed using quantum gas microscopes.
Figure taken from Impertro et al., arXiv:2212.11974.
Project E3:
Quantum-gas mixtures with extreme mass imbalance
C. Gross (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
In this project we aim to study thermalization dynamics and transport in
an atomic Bose-Fermi quantum gas mixture with extreme mass imbalance. The
imbalance naturally leads to a very pronounced heterogeneity of timescales
in the many-body system. Such a scenario has been predicted to show very
slow dynamics, peculiar hydrodynamic behavior and quasi-localization. We
will study the relaxation dynamics of light fermions initially brought out
out equilibrium, which are immersed in a bath of heavy bosons. We will
work in close collaboration with the theory partners of the research unit
to model and interpret the observed timescales in both settings and to
understand the role of kinetic constraints in the system.
Figure from C. Gross.
Project E4:
Exploring non-ergodicity in lattice gauge theories with
fermionic Yb
M. Aidelsburger (LMU Munich & MPQ Garching)
Gauge theories are essential for our understanding of nature and their
properties provide exciting new opportunities for interdisciplinary
research. Unfortunately, many fundamental properties, especially in the
context of out-of-equilibrium dynamics, remain largely inaccessible with
conventional numerical methods. Within this project we are going to
perform quantum simulation of simplified lattice gauge theories (LGTs)
using a new hybrid tweezer-lattice using Yb atoms in state-dependent
optical lattices, which will offer high-resolution imaging and
manipulation techniques provided by quantum gas microscopy. The main goal
is to study non-ergodicity and out-of-equilibrium phenomena in U(1) LGTs
coupled to matter. The implementation makes use of the formulation of LGTs
in terms of quantum link models (QLMs), where the Hilbert space of the
gauge field is truncated and finite.
Figure from M. Aidelsburger.
Project T1:
Ergodicity from SYK baths and ergodic inclusions
S. Kehrein (Universität Göttingen)
M. Heyl (Universität Ausgburg)
F. Pollmann (TU Munich)
System plus bath settings have long played an important role in quantum
many-body physics. This project addresses two specific such settings that
are central to the goals of this research unit:
- Thermalization of
isolated ultracold atomic gases can be understood by the system acting as
its own quantum bath.
- In many-body localized systems the modeling of ergodic inclusions via a
quantum bath can help to analyze the stability of the non-ergodic phase,
that is currently hotly debated.
We analyze new models for quantum
baths to address these questions. One candidate is the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev
(SYK) model, which has recently generated a lot of excitement in condensed
matter physics and in high-energy physics. It has the remarkable
properties of being non-integrable and consistent with the eigenstate
thermalization hypothesis, while still being analytically solvable. For
the modeling of ergodic inclusions we will also investigate Floquet
driving and random untary circuits.
Figure from S. Kehrein.
Project T2:
Eigenstate thermalization in interacting quantum gases in
optical lattices
F. Heidrich-Meisner (Universität Göttingen)
Eigenstate thermalization (ETH) provides a very useful concept to predict
many aspects of the thermalization dynamics of quantum many-body systems.
We will utilize ETH to characterize experimentally relevant systems and
aim at connecting ETH with transport properties and measures for quantum
chaos based on spectral properties. The project will study interacting
Bose gases and mass-imbalanced Fermi gases and uncover the emergence of
ETH from the limit of single particles in a sea of a second component to
the finite filling case.
Figure taken from Jansen et al., Phys. Rev. B 99, 155130 (2019).
Project T3:
Nonergodic dynamics in lattice gauge theories
M. Heyl (Universität Ausgburg)
M. Carmen Bañuls (MPQ Garching)
R. Moessner (MPI PKS Dresden)
This project is at the focal point of several exciting developments in
many-body physics, statistical mechanics and non-equilibrium dynamics,
both from a conceptual and a technical perspective. It basically addresses
the question how local constraints can impede the tendency of many-body
systems to thermalise. Using state-of-the-art computational methods, in
particular tensor and neural networks, we study lattice gauge theories and
kinetically constrained models in order to understand how
non-equilibration manifests itself in, e.g., transport properties and
dynamical heterogeneities.
Figure taken from Chakraborty et al., arXiv:2203.06198v2.
Project T4:
Kinetically constrained dynamics in quantum gases
I. Lesanovsky (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
M. Carmen Bañuls (MPQ Garching)
In project T4, we consider so-called kinetically constrained quantum
systems that are often formulated in terms of simple dynamical rules, yet
can show intriguing collective behavior. In these many-body models, the
change of state of a given constituent is conditioned on the current state
of its neighborhood. This construction allows to capture many emergent
out-of-equilibrium features of classical glassy systems. However, the
study of kinetic constraints in quantum systems is still in its infancy.
The project's aim is to make progress in this direction by combining
advanced numerical methods, such as tensor networks, and large deviation
analyses for time-integrated order parameters. We expect that the
developed numerical and analytical tools will advance our understanding of
dynamical phase transitions in systems that are experimentally realized
within our Research Unit.
Figure from Cech et al. (unpublished work).
Project T5:
From localization in quenched disorder to new forms of
many-body localization
F. Pollmann (TU Munich)
F. Heidrich-Meisner (Universität Göttingen)
R. Moessner (MPI PKS Dresden)
Recent years have seen a great deal of effort to understand whether and
how a closed quantum many body system thermalizes. While generic quantum
systems are expected to reach a thermal equilibrium as predicted by the
Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis, several mechanisms challenging this
concept have been proposed recently. Notably, many-body localization (MBL)
is a candidate for breaking ergodicity and defy thermalization for all
eigenstates in the presence of sufficiently. More recently, new mechanisms
have been discovered that lead to non-ergodic behavior, including
kinetically constrained models (KCMs). In this project we will derive new
tools to characterize MBL in disordered systems and investigate the
interplay between different ergodicity breaking mechanisms.
Figure taken from Will et al., arXiv:2311.05695.