Institut für Theoretische Physik

The Institute for Theoretical physics is home to a large range of research activities, covering quantum field theory, particle physics, cosmology, statistical physics, soft matter, biophysics, and condensed matter theory. Researchers at ITP use both analytical and computational methods at the frontier of these research fields, which is reflected in the institute’s leading role in the theoretical physics curriculum at all levels. The ITP has a long and storied history, with seminal research originating here, e.g., on the development of quantum mechanics and the foundations of quantum field theory.

International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025

In 1925, Werner Heisenberg, then assistant to Max Born at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, published his groundbreaking work "On the quantum theoretical reinterpretation of kinematic and mechanical relationships". This moment is considered the birth of quantum mechanics and to mark the occasion, the United Nations proclaimed 2025 as the "International Year of Quantum Science and Technology". A series of events in this context will therefore take place next year at the birthplace of Göttingen, including a special exhibition in the Forum Wissen, the DPG spring meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section and a DPG autumn meeting of all sections on the quantum year.


Max-Born Seminar Series 2025


On the occasion of the International Year of Quantum Science of Technology 2025, the Institute of Theoretical Physics will run the Max-Born-Seminar Series 2025. Central results that are commemorated during the Quantum Year 2025 resulted from research conducted at ITP in the 1920s, with contributions from Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan. In this seminar series, ITP invites distinguished international scientists to speak about the broad range of active research in quantum physics that is nowadays conducted. While quantum physics continues to be an important theme at ITP, its current research spectrum is broader. This development will be reflected in selected talks in this series on topics such as soft condensed matter, classical statistical physics and cosmology. The seminar talks will be announced here and are open to all interested researchers from the Physics department and Göttingen Campus.