
The University of Göttingen aims to organise its university operations in accordance with sustainability guidelines. Dafür sollen negative soziale und ökologische Auswirkungen des Hochschulbetriebs minimiert werden und positive Veränderung herbeigeführt werden. So möchte die Universität Göttingen nicht nur eine Vorbildfunktion im Bezug auf Umweltschutz und soziale Verantwortung übernehmen, sondern auch eine nachhaltige Denk- und Handlungsweise in der gesamten akademischen Gemeinschaft fördern.


Energy and emissions

Energy and emissions

Energy supply and saving potentials



Sustainable transport, mobility and travel

Sustainable Procurement


Recycled paper, reusable cup system etc.

Nature Conservation

Nature Conservation

Waste management and water conservation

Event management

Event management

Support for a sustainable event



Botanical gardens, flower strips, etc.

Employment relationship

Employment relationship

Gender Equality, Diversity, Health



New investment guidelines

Adaption to Climate Change

Adaption to Climate Change

Heavy rain hazard map

Contact - Green Office

Do you have questions or suggestions on the topic of sustainability in research?
Would you like to find out more about sustainability in operations at Göttingen University?
Do you have an idea concerning sustainability in your degree programme?
Do you need information on international networking on sustainability?
For these and general questions and suggestions, please contact us!


Head of the Green Office

Marco Lange, Coordinator for Sustainability
Phone: 0551 39-21356
Email: marco.lange@zvw.uni-goettingen.de


Tabea Kothe, Student of Geography
E-Mail: tabea.kothe@zvw.uni-goettingen.de

Anna von Borcke, Student of Ethnology and Sociology
E-Mail: anna.borcke@zvw.uni-goettingen.de

Hannah Kalden, Student of Philosophy
E-Mail: hannah.kalden@zvw.uni-goettingen.de