Personal details
Winner of the Wolfgang-Wirichs-Award Retail 2009
(You will find further information concerning the award ceremony here)
Dr. Madlen Boslau studied Business administration with focus on International Marke
ting, Consumer- and Retail research as well as Controlling at the Europe-University Viadrina of Frankfurt/ Oder. During her study she worked among others for the energy group Vattenfall and the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline. The title of her diploma thesis dealing with consumer behavior was "Values are not worthy anymore. A violation on purpose against human values in advertising- an empirical study".
In June 2009 Dr. Madlen Boslau successfully defended her doctoral thesis dealing with "Consumers' satisfaction with self-service payment stations" An analysis of selected behavioral-science perspectives".
The major of her research concerns behavioral-science analysis of retailing problems, particularly the acceptance of new technologies (e.g. new payment facilities, RFID).