P Compulsory Course WP Compulsory Elective Course W Elective Course in English

L Lecture E Exercise SEM Seminar PS Project Studies digital only

Chair of Marketing and Retail Management

Prof. Dr. Waldemar Toporowski
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
First Floor, Room 1.215
37073 Göttingen

Phone +49 (0)551 / 39-24447
Fax +49 (0)551 / 39-24446
handel1[at]uni-goettingen.de handel.uni-goettingen.de Site Map

Bachelor modules

Name Contact Type Term ECTS Info
WS'24 SS'25 WS'25 SS'26
P Marketing Lecture Toporowski VL 6
P Marketing Tutorial Toporowski UE -
WP Retail Management Toporowski VL UE 6
WP Supply Chain Management Toporowski VL UE 6
WP Seminar: Selected Problems in Retailing Toporowski SEM 6
WP Seminar Location policy as a competitive instrument Lademann SEM 6

Master modules

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Name Contact Type Term ECTS Info
WS'24 SS'25 WS'25 SS'26
W Marketing Channel Strategy Toporowski VL 6
WP Market Research I (only digital) Toporowski* VL UE 6
WP Market Research II (only digital) Toporowski* VL UE 6
WP Marketing Research Toporowski* VL UE 6
WP Advanced Research Methods see link VL UE 6
WP Synergy module: Innovative business models in e-business Toporowski VL 6
WP Seminar Marketing and Competition Strategies Lademann SEM 6
WP Seminar Retail Science Toporowski SEM 6
WP Research Project (winter term) see link PS 18
WP Research Project (summer term) see link PS 18
WP Research Project (new) see link PS 18
WP Seminar: Managing New Realities: XR & Metaverse Rauschnabel SEM 6

Last update: 13.12.2022

*: more than one lecturer are responsible here