Publications 2016
Gaitan, L., Läderach, P., Graefe, S., Rao, I., Van Der Hoek, R., 2016. Climate-smart livestock systems: An assessment of carbon stocks and GHG emissions in Nicaragua. PLoS ONE 11(12):e0167949. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167949.
Gaitan, L., Armbrecht, I., Graefe, S., 2016. Throughfall and soil hydrological properties in shaded and unshaded coffee plantations and a secondary forest: a case study from Southern Colombia. J. Agr. Rural Develop. Trop. Subtrop. 117(2), 309-321.
TV Do, NV Cam, T Sato, NT Binh, O Kozan, NT Thang, Mitlöhner, R., 2016. Post-logging regeneration and growth of commercially valuable tree species in evergreen broadleaf forest, Vietnam. Journal of Tropical Science 28 (4): 426-435.
Dao T.H.H., Saborowski, J., Hölscher, D., 2016. Patterns of tree community differences in the core and buffer zones of a nature reserve in north-western Vietnam. Global Ecology and Conservation 8, 220-229.
Teuscher, M., Gérard, A., Brose, U., Buchori, D., Clough,Y., Ehbrecht, M., Hölscher, D., Irawan, B., Sundawati L., Wollni, M., Kreft, H., 2016. Experimental biodiversity enrichment in oil-palm-dominated landscapes in Indonesia. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 1538.
Niu, F., Duan, D., Chen, J., Xiong, P., Zhang, H., Wang, Z., Xu, B., 2016. Eco-physiological responses of dominant species to watering in a natural grassland community on the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 663.
Merten J., Röll, A., Guillaume, T., Meijide, A.,Tarigan, S., Agusta, H., Dislich, C., Dittrich, C., Faust,H., Gunawan,D., Hein, J., Hendrayanto, Knohl, A., Kuzyakov, Y., Wiegand, K., Hölscher, D., 2016. Water scarcity and oil palm expansion: social views and environmental processes. Ecology and Society 21, 5.
Le Do Thi Ngoc, Thinh Van Nguyen, Dung Nguyen The, Mitlöhner, R., 2016. Effect of Disturbance Regimes on Spatial Patterns of Tree Species in Three Sites in a Tropical Evergreen Forest in Vietnam. International Journal of Forestry Research,1-16.
Hombegowda, H. C., van Straaten, O., Köhler, M., Hölscher, D., 2016. On the rebound: soil organic carbon stocks can bounce back to near forest levels when agroforests replace agriculture in southern India. SOIL 2, 13-23.
Mei, T., Fang, D., Röll, A., Niu, F., Hendrayanto, Hölscher, D., 2016. Water use patterns of four tropical bamboo species assessed with sap flux measurements. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 1202.