Publications 2002
Gebrehiwot K, Muys B, Haile M, Mitlöhner R (2002): Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst: a tropical key species in Northern Ethiopia. Proc. Conf. Intern. Agric. Res. for Developm., Deutscher Tropentag 2002, Kassel-Witzenhausen, October 9-11, 2002
Hölscher D, Hertel D, Koenies H (2002): Soil nutrient supply and biomass production in a mixed forest on a skeleton-rich soil and an adjacent beech forest. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 165, 668-674.
Hölscher D, Hertel D, Leuschner Ch, Hottkowitz M (2002): Tree species diversity and soil patchiness in a temperate broad-leaved forest with limited rooting space. Flora 197, 1-8.
Hölscher D, Schmitt S, Kupfer K (2002): Growth and leaf traits in four broad-leaved tree species along a hillside gradient in Central Germany. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 121, 229-239.
Horna V, Dietz J, Mette T, Börner A, Dempewolf J, Zimmermann R (2002): Ecological Classification of Soils and Pristine Premontane Vegetation in the Alto Mayo Valley, Northern Peru.- 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Large Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in the Amazon, Manaus, Brasilien, Juli 2002, Abstracts
Schwendenmann L (2002). Below-ground carbon dynamics as a function of climate variability in a neotropical rain forest. Dissertation. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme der Universität Göttingen, Reihe A, Band 184, 152 pp
Sivananthawerl T, Mitlöhner R (2002): Non-linear estimation of Height-diameter Models. Sri Lankan J. Applied Statistics 2:32-40
Zimmermann U, Wegener LH, Wagner H-J, Heidecker M, Mimietz S, Schneider H, Szimtenings M, Haase A, Mitlöhner R, Hoffmann R, Kruck W, König W (2002): Implications of mucilage on pressure bomb measurements and water lifting in trees rooting in high-salinity water. Trees 16: 100-111