Comparative Literature

About Comparative Literature

Comparative Literature is an academic field preoccupied with literature in its international and interdisciplinary relations. In Göttingen students of Comparative Literature study along comparative, intercultural and interdisciplinary lines whilst being at the same time introduced to fields of general literary studies and literary theory.


M.A. Comparative Literature

The new Masters programme Comparative Literature was introduced in winter 2009/10. The course is open to students with an B.A. degree in Comparative Literature or in a closely related field of studies, such as foreign languages, literature or cultural studies. In the Masters programme, students can choose from various courses on European and non-European literature, literary theory, and artistic, cultural, historical and social science disciplines. For more information, please follow the links below

Overview of modules

Admission requierements

Profile of the M.A. Comparative Literature online

Further information on the M.A. Comparative Literature