View of the Oeconomicum. In the foreground blooming pink cherry trees can be seen.


We help in shaping the future of marketing:

How can we utilize new technological knowledge to develop innovative products and services that meet the demands of markets and society?

And how does marketing change when companies no longer (only) operate in physical but virtual realities?

What is the role of marketing in a world where customers increasingly interact with chatbots or avatars instead of humans?

Through our teaching we enable students to answer such questions. With our research we support managers in making decisions for sustainable business practices and responsible innovations.

Get to know our team and learn more about courses, theses, projects and much more.

Portrait photo of Maik Hammerschmidt. He is wearing a white and red striped shirt and glasses.

Prof. Dr. Maik Hammerschmidt


Get to know the team members of our chair.

  • Portrait photo of Nika Meyer. She is wearing a white shirt and a beige blazer.


    Dr. Nika Meyer

  • Portrait photo of Henrietta Batinovic. She is wearing a black turtleneck sweater.

    Research Associate

    Henrietta Batinović

  • Portrait photo of Katharina Berendes. She is wearing a white and blue striped shirt and a dark blue blazer.

    Research Associate

    Katharina Berendes

  • Portrait photo of Leah Lennig. She is wearing a white shirt and a black blazer.

    Research Associate

    Leah Lennig

  • Portrait photo of Melanie Schwede. She is wearing a white shirt and a dark blue blazer.

    External PhD Candidate

    Melanie Schwede

  • Portrait photo of Daniel Eichenberg. He is wearing a black T-shirt.

    External PhD Candidate

    Daniel Eichenberg

  • Portrait photo of Maik Hammerschmidt. He is wearing a white and red striped shirt and glasses.


    Prof. Dr. Maik Hammerschmidt

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Are you looking for a flexible degree that aligns with your interests or a broad education in business administration? Our Master in Management with "Flexi-Focus" is just right for you!

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Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Chair of Marketing and Innovation Management

Faculty of Business and Economics

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3


Secretary's Office in Room 1.206

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-26546

Fax +49 551 39-26547

Office hours: By appointment