Publikationen nach Autoren:
Publikationen Prof. Dr. Yasemin Boztuğ
Publikationen Stephen Youngun Park, Ph.D.
Publikationen Fernanda Carneiro-Otto, M.Sc.
Publikationen Ainslee Erhard, M.Sc.
Publikationen Helena Schirmacher, M.Sc.

Referierte Zeitschriftenbeiträge


  • Erhard, Ainslee, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2024): Tasty or sustainable? Goal conflict in plant-based food choice. Food Quality and Preference, 120.
    • Stremmel, Gesa, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2024): Climate-neutral labeling for climate-friendly vs. climate-harmful food products: Consumer perceptions and implications. Business Strategy and The Environment, pp. 4441–4455.

    • 2023

        • Erhard, Ainslee, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Domenic Lemken (2023): How do defaults and framing influence food choice? An intervention aimed at promoting plant-based choice in online menus. Appetite, 190, 107005.
        • Jahn, Steffen, Ossama Elshiewy, Tim Döring, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2023): Truthful yet misleading: Consumer response to ‘low fat’food with high sugar content. Food Quality and Preference, 109, 104900.
        • Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2023): That's not natural! Consumer response to disconfirmed expectations about ‘natural’ food. Appetite, 180, 106270.

        • 2022

            • Choi, Hyunhong, Stephen Youngjun Park, & HyungBin Moon (2022): The shared mobility services ban in South Korea: Consumer preferences and social opportunity cost. Travel behaviour and society, 28, 214-226.
            • Stremmel, Gesa, Ossama Elshiewy, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Fernanda Carneiro-Otto (2022): Vegan labeling for what is already vegan: Product perceptions and consumption intentions. Appetite, 175, 1-12.

            • 2021

                • Moon, HyungBin, Stephen Youngjun Park, & JongRoul Woo (2021). Staying on convention or leapfrogging to eco-innovation?: Identifying early adopters of hydrogen-powered vehicles. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 171, 120995.

                • 2020

                    • Bidmon, Sonja, Ossama Elshiewy, Ralf Terlutter, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2020): What Patients Value in Physicians: Analyzing Drivers of Patient Satisfaction Using Physician-Rating Website Data, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 (2), 1-17.
                    • Jahn, Steffen, Ann-Christin Langer, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2020): How Perceived Security Risk Influences Acceptance of Virtual Shopping Walls, Marketing ZFP, 42, 35-46.

                    • 2019

                        • Weinrich, Ramona & Ossama Elshiewy (2019): Preference and Willingness to Pay for Meat Substitutes based on Micro-algae, Appetite, 142, 1-11.
                        • Gross, Elena & Ossama Elshiewy (2019): Choice and Quantity Demand for Improved and Unimproved Public Water Sources in Rural Areas: Evidence from Benin, Journal of Rural Studies, 69, 186-194
                        • Sürmeli, Gökhan, Ossama Elshiewy, and Burc Ülengin (2019): What Drives the Purchasing of Foods with High Sugar? Evidence from Turkey, British Food Journal, 121 (5), 1020-1034.
                        • Jahn, Steffen, George Tsalis, & Liisa Lähteenmäki (2019): How Attitude Towards Food Fortification Can Lead to Purchase Intention, Appetite, 133, 370-377.

                        • 2018

                          • Jahn, Steffen, T. Bettina Cornwell, Jan Drengner, & Hansjörg Gaus (2018): Temporary Communitas and Willingness to Return to Events, Journal of Business Research, 92, 329-338.
                          • Cornwell, T. Bettina, Steffen Jahn, Jeffrey Xie, & Wang Suk Suh (2018): Feeling that Ingroup Feeling at a Sponsored Sporting Event: Links to Memory and Future Attendance, Journal of Sport Management, 32 (5), 426-437.
                          • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, & Pia Furchheim (2018): Flow Revisited: Process Conceptualization and a Novel Application to Service Contexts, Journal of Service Management, 29 (4), 703-734.
                          • Elshiewy, Ossama & Yasemin Boztuğ (2018): When Back-of-Pack Meets Front-of-Pack: How Salient and Simplified Nutrition Labels Affect Food Sales in Supermarkets, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 37 (1), 55-67.
                          • Jahn, Steffen, Jutta Schuch, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2018): How Category Average Reference Points Affect Choice of Sugary Foods, Appetite, 126, 201-209.
                          • Jahn, Steffen, Tim Nierobisch, Waldemar Toporowski, & Till Dannewald (2018): Selling the Extraordinary in Experiential Retail Stores, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3 (3), 412-424.
                          • Kim, Junghun, Stephen Youngjun Park, & Jongsu Lee (2018). Do people really want renewable energy? Who wants renewable energy?: Discrete choice model of reference-dependent preference in South Korea. Energy Policy, 120, 761-770.
                          • Moon, HyungBin, Stephen Youngjun Park, Changhyun Jeong & Jongsu Lee (2018). Forecasting electricity demand of electric vehicles by analyzing consumers’ charging patterns. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 62, 64-79.

                          • 2017
                          • Elshiewy, Ossama, Daniel Guhl, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2017): Multinomial Logit Models in Marketing - From Fundamentals to State-of-the-Art, Marketing ZFP, 39 (3), 32-49.
                          • Demming, Carsten L., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2017): Conducting Mediation Analysis in Marketing Research, Marketing ZFP, 39 (3), 76-93.
                          • Elshiewy, Ossama, German Zenetti, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2017): Differences Between Classical and Bayesian Estimates for Mixed Logit Models, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22 (7), 1247-1266.
                          • Nierobisch, Tim, Waldemar Toporowski, Till Dannewald, & Steffen Jahn (2017): Flagship Stores for FMCG National Brands: Do they Improve Brand Cognitions and Create Favorable Consumer Reactions?, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34 (1), 117-137.
                          • Sanjari, Setareh, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2017): Dual-Process Theory and Consumer Response to Front-of-Package Nutrition Label Formats, Nutrition Reviews, 75 (11), 871-882.
                          • Silberhorn, Nadja, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Lutz Hildebrandt (2017): Does umbrella branding really work?, Journal of Business Economics, 87 (3), 397-420.

                          • 2016
                          • Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2016): Seduced by the Label: How the Recommended Serving Size on Nutrition Labels Affects Food Sales, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 1 (1), 104-114.
                          • Hajibaba, Homa, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Sara Dolnicar (2016): Preventing Tourists from Canceling in Times of Crises, Annals of Tourism Research, 60, 48-62.
                          • Solnet, David, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Sara Dolnicar (2016): An Untapped Gold Mine? Exploring the Potential of Market Basket Analysis to Grow Hotel Revenue, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 56, 119-125.

                          • 2015
                          • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Nazila Babakhani, Christian Laesser, & Sara Dolnicar (2015): The hybrid tourist, Annals of Tourism Research, 54, 190-203.
                          • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Hans Jørn Juhl, Ossama Elshiewy, & Morten Berg Jensen (2015): Consumer Response to Monochrome-Guideline-Daily-Amount Nutrition Labels, Food Policy, 53, 1-8.

                          • 2014
                          • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Lutz Hildebrandt, & Kalyan Raman (2014): Detecting Price Thresholds in Choice Models Using a Semi-Parametric Approach, OR Spectrum, 36 (1), 187-207.
                          • 2013
                          • Drengner, Jan & Steffen Jahn (2013): Erlebniswelten im Sponsoring, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 29 (2), 60-67.
                          • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, & Hansjoerg Gaus (2013): Der Beitrag der Service-Dominant Logic zur Weiterentwicklung der Markenführung, Die Betriebswirtschaft, 73 (2), 143-160.

                          • 2012
                          • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, & Hansjoerg Gaus (2012): Creating Loyalty in Collective Hedonic Services: The Role of Satisfaction and Psychological Sense of Community, Schmalenbach Business Review, 64 (1), 59-76.
                          • Esbjerg, Lars, Birger Boutrup Jensen, Tino Bech-Larsen, Marcia Dutra de Barcellos, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Klaus G. Grunert (2012): An Integrative Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Customer Satisfaction with Shopping Trip Experiences in Grocery Retailing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19 (4), 445-456.
                          • Jahn, Steffen, Hansjoerg Gaus, & Tina Kiessling (2012): Trust, Commitment, and Older Women: Exploring Brand Attachment Differences in the Elderly Segment, Psychology & Marketing, 29 (6), 445-457.

                          • 2011
                          • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2011): Measuring Event-Brand Congruence, Event Management, 15 (1), 25-36.

                          • 2010
                          • Lähteenmäki, Liisa, Piritta Lampila, Klaus Grunert, Yasemin Boztuğ, Øydis Ueland, Annika Åström, & Emilia Martinsdóttir (2010): Impact of Health-Related Claims on the Perception of Other Product Attributes, Food Policy, 35 (3), 230-239.

                          • 2009
                          • Grunert, Klaus G., Liisa Lähteenmäki, Yasemin Boztuğ, Emilia Martinsdóttir, Øydis Ueland, Annika Åström, & Piritta Lampila (2009): Perception of Health Claims Among Nordic Consumers, Journal of Consumer Policy, 32 (3), 269-287.

                          • 2008
                          • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (2008): Modeling Joint Purchases with a Multivariate MNL Approach, Schmalenbach Business Review, 60, 400-422.
                          • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Thomas Reutterer (2008): A Combined Approach for Segment-Specific Analysis of Market Basket Data, European Journal of Operational Research, 187 (1), 294-312.
                          • Drengner, Jan, Hansjoerg Gaus, & Steffen Jahn (2008): Does Flow Influence the Brand Image in Event Marketing?, Journal of Advertising Research, 48 (1), 138-147.
                          • Silberhorn, Nadja, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Lutz Hildebrandt (2008): Estimation with the Nested Logit Model: Specifications and Software Particularities, OR Spectrum, 30 (4), 635-653.

                          • 2007
                          • Bell, David R. & Yasemin Boztuğ (2007): The Positive and Negative Effects of Inventory on Category Purchase: An Empirical Analysis, Marketing Letters, 18 (1/2), 1-14.

                          • 2006
                          • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Nadja Silberhorn (2006): Modellierungsansätze in der Warenkorbanalyse im Überblick, Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 56 (2), 105-128.

                          • 2004
                          • Abe, Makoto, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Lutz Hildebrandt (2004): Investigating the Competitive Assumption of Multinomial Logit Models of Brand Choice by Nonparametric Modeling, Computational Statistics, 19 (4), 635-657.

Referierte Konferenzbeiträge

  • Carneiro-Otto, Fernanda, Steffen Jahn, Jessica Aschemann-Witze & Yasemin Boztuğ (2023): Rescue us all! The effect of the rescue-based claim for familiar and unfamiliar food ingredients, Proceedings of the 53nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Carneiro-Otto, Fernanda, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2023): Choosing vegan feels good, doesn’t it? Effects of gender-congruency cues on vegan-labeled products, Proceedings of the 52nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Odense, Denmark.

  • 2022

    • Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2022). Naturally disconfirmed: Which and why disconfirmed expectations about ‘natural’ food can backfire, Association for Consumer Research Latin America Conference, Quito, Ecuador.

    • 2021

      • Stremmel, Gesa, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2021): When insect consumption is socially risky: Social norms as a major barrier to widespread acceptance of non-normative food, 49th ACR Conference, Seattle, USA.
      • Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2021). That’s not Natural! Consumer Response to Disconfirmed Expectations about Food with "Natural" Claims, Food Reformulation – Regulation and Marketing, Munich, Germany.
      • Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2021). That’s not Natural! Consumer Reactions to Disconfirmed Expectations about ‘Natural’ Food, Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy Conference, Madrid, Spain.

      • 2020

        • Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2020): Compared to What?: Examining the Prevalence of Categorization Bias for Within-Category Product Evaluations despite the Presence of Objective Reference Points, AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, 30, 68-70.

        • 2019

          • Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2019): Simple Complexity: An Examination of Quantitative and Qualitative FOP Formats, Advances in Consumer Research, 47, 960.
          • Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2019): Meaningful Numbers: Using Redundant Qualitative Cues to Reaffirm Quantitative Reference Points, Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
          • Cornwell, T. Bettina, Steffen Jahn, & Michael S. Humphreys (2019): Awareness for Sponsors of a Global Mega Event: Measurement Matters, Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama & Anne Peschel (2019): Internal and External Reference Price Response in Brand Choice Models, 41th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama & Anne Peschel (2019): Internal and External Reference Price Response in Brand Choice Models - A Semi-parametric Hierarchical Bayesian Approach, Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
          • Henkel, Laura, Steffen Jahn, & Waldemar Toporowski (2019): Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: The Role of Store Ephemerality in Consumer Spending in Experiential Stores, Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
          • u>Jahn, Steffen, T. Bettina Cornwell, & Michael S. Humphreys (2019): Rethinking International Sponsorship Recognition, AIB 2019 Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Martin Schlather, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2019): Toward a Generalized Adoption Modeling Framework, AMA Winter Academic Conference 2019, Austin, USA.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Martin Schlather, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2019): Toward a Generalized Adoption Modeling Framework, 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Daniel Guhl, Setareh S. Sanjari, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2019): How Consumers Use Nutrition Information, 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy.
          • Suermeli, Goekhan, Ossama Elshiewy, & Burc Uelengin (2019): Consistency or Balancing? Category Spill-over Effects of Purchasing Food with Nutrition Claims, Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
          • Weiger, Welf, Ossama Elshiewy, & Steffen Jahn (2019): How Marketer-generated Content in Social Media Impacts Sales Along the Sentiment Cycle, 41th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy.

          • 2018
          • Beeck, Ines, Steffen Jahn, & Waldemar Toporowski (2018): For Myself or Others? How App Service Design Impacts Physical Retail Experience, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 39, 1-9.
          • Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2018): Meaningful Numbers: How Consumers' Label Comprehension and Healthful Preferences Benefit from the Reinforcement of Numerical Reference Points with Verbal Cues, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
          • Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2018): Numbers that Talk: How the Combination of Verbal and Numerical Reference Points Help Consumers with Label Comprehension and Healthful Preferences, European Association for Consumer Research Conference, Ghent, Belgium.
          • Cornwell, T. Bettina, Steffen Jahn, Jeffrey Xie, & Wang Suk Suh (2018): Feeling that Ingroup Feeling at a Sponsored Sporting Event: Links to Memory and Future Attendance, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
          • Demming, Carsten L., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2018): When Friends Give Bad Advice: How Relationship Involvement Impacts Evaluation of Recommendations and Willingness to Follow Again, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama & Daniel Guhl (2018): Individual-level Carryover Parameters in Reference-Price Models, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 46, Dallas, USA.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama & Daniel Guhl (2018): Individual-level Carryover Parameters in Reference-Price Models, Proceedings of the AMA 2018 Summer Marketing Educators Conference, Boston, USA.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama & Daniel Guhl (2018): Individual-level Carryover Parameters in Reference-Price Models, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, UK.
          • Geissler, Mario, Steffen Jahn, Heiko Bergmann, & Till Dannewald (2018): How Attitude and Self-Efficacy Form Entrepreneurial Intent, 2018 Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, USA.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Monique Breaz, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2018): Meaningful Numbers: Consumer Response to Verbal Reaffirmation of Numerical Nutrition Information, Advances in Consumer Research, 46, 683-684.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Tim Nierobisch, & Waldemar Toporowski, & Till Dannewald (2018): Selling the Extraordinary in Flagship Stores, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
          • Peschel, Anne & Ossama Elshiewy (2018): Reference-Price Response across Store Formats, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, UK.
          • Sanjari, Setareh S., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2018): One Label, Two Choices: How Nutrition Knowledge and Time Pressure Impact Use of Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

          • 2017
          • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Steffen Jahn, Till Dannewald, Tim Doering, & Jutta Schuch (2017): How Summary Nutrition Information Reduces Overindulgence, Proceedings of the 46th EMAC Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.
          • Cornwell, T. Bettina & Steffen Jahn (2017): Rethinking Sponsorship Recognition, 2017 AMS World Marketing Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand.
          • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, T. Bettina Cornwell, & Hansjörg Gaus (2017): Volitional Reconsumption of Leisure Events, Proceedings of the 46th EMAC Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama & Jan Schikovsky (2017): Heterogeneous Willingness-to-Pay for Competitor Products, 39th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, USA.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, Tim Doering, & Yasemin Boztug (2017): 'Low Fat' but High in Sugar: Consumer Response to Potentially Misleading Nutrition Claims, Proceedings of the 46th EMAC Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Hansjörg Gaus, Tina Kiessling, & Jan Drengner (2017): Conceptualizing the Human Value Content of Perceived Brand Intentions, Proceedings of the 46th EMAC Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2017): How Health Claims Lead to Indulgence, Advances in Consumer Research, 45, 683-684.
          • Sanjari, Setareh S., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2017): Choosing Fast and Slow: Processing Mode and Consumer Response to FOP Nutrition Label Formats, Proceedings of the 2017 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Orlando, USA.
          • Schikovsky, Jan & Ossama Elshiewy (2017). Heterogeneity in Willingness-to-Pay for Competitor Products. Proceedings of the 46th EMAC Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.

          • 2016
          • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Steffen Jahn, & Till Dannewald (2016): Health Claims Can Make You Fat, But Only When They Are Relevant, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, Tim Doering, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2016): "Low Fat" But High in Sugar: Consumer Response to Misleading Nutrition Claims, Advances in Consumer Research, 44, 207-212.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2016): Too Much Food Marketing - How Voluntary Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labeling on Products with Nutrition Claims Can Harm Retailers, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.
          • Jahn, Steffen & Mario Geissler (2016): The Motivational Readiness Model of Entrepreneurship, Proceedings of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, San Diego, USA.
          • Jahn, Steffen & Mario Geissler (2016): The Motivational Readiness Model of Entrepreneurship, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Jutta Schuch, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2016): How Reference Information Can Tame What-the-Hell Behaviors, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.
          • Sanjari, Setareh S., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2016): Why One Does Not Fit All: Towards an Integrative Framework of Nutrition Label Format Effectiveness, EMAC 2016, Oslo, Norway.

          • 2015
          • Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2015): How the Disclosure of Nutrition Information with Different "Per-Serving Basis" Affects Sales Volume, Advances in Consumer Research, 43, 516-517.
          • Furchheim, Pia & Steffen Jahn (2015): Greening Up a Material World, Proceedings of the 44th EMAC Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
          • Furchheim, Pia & Steffen Jahn (2015): How Cultural Capital Shapes Green Product Preferences Among Materialists, Advances in Consumer Research, 43, 527-528.
          • Schuch, Jutta, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2015): Abstract Goal and External Reference-Point Interaction in Food Decision Making, Advances in Consumer Research, 43, 572-573.

          • 2014
          • Elshiewy, Ossama & Yasemin Boztuğ (2014): Consumers' Individual Response to Nutrition Labeling - A Study With Supermarket Scanner Data, 36th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Atlanta, USA.
          • Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2014): The Effectiveness of Nutrition Labels in Fighting Health Halos, Proceedings of the AMA 2014 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, San Francisco, USA.
          • Furchheim, Pia, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2014): Holier Than Thou - An Exploration of the Green Side of Materialism, Third Conference for Positive Marketing, New York, USA.
          • Jacobi, Frieder, Steffen Jahn, Robert Krawatzeck, Barbara Dinter, & Anja Lorenz (2014): Towards a Design Model for the Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development, as Exemplified by Big Data Analytics Education, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems, 22, .
          • Jahn, Steffen (2014): The Value of Customers for a Firm: A Framework, Proceedings of the AMA Summer Educators' Conference, San Francisco, USA .
          • Pyka, Sebastian, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2014): The Beneficial Effect of Resilience on Sales Performance in the Presence of Role Ambiguity, Proceedings of the 43rd EMAC Conference, Valencia, Spain.
          • Schuch, Jutta, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2014): The Role of Category Average Reference Points and Health Halos in Purchase Intentions of Healthy and Hedonic Food, Advances in Consumer Research, 42, 670-671.

          • Schuch, Jutta, Steffen Jahn, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ (2014): Understanding Nutrition Information: How Reference Points Affect Healthful Food Choice, Proceedings of the AMA Summer Educators' Conference, San Francisco, USA.

          • 2013
          • Elshiewy, Ossama & Yasemin Boztuğ (2013): The Impact of Nutrition Labeling on the Purchased Amount of Sugar in Sweet Food Products, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
          • Furchheim, Pia, Steffen Jahn, Shruti Koley, & Cornelia Zanger (2013): When Materialistic and Sustainable Values Collide: Strategies to Cope, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
          • Furchheim, Pia, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2013): When Altruism is Perceived to be Rare, Would Materialists Buy Green?, Advances in Consumer Research, 41, 501-502.
          • Furchheim, Pia, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2013): When Materialistic and Sustainability Values Collide: Strategies for Static and Dynamic Goal Management, Proceedings of the AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
          • Jahn, Steffen, T. Bettina Cornwell, & Jan Drengner (2013): Activational Sponsorship Communications and the Development of Self-Brand-Connections, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Jan Drengner, & Pia Furchheim (2013): Flow Revisited: Process Conceptualization and Extension to Reactive Consumption Experiences, Proceedings of the AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
          • Pyka, Sebastian, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2013): Resilience and its Beneficial Effect on Work Engagement in Adverse Workplace Situations, Proceedings of the ANZMAC Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
          • Pyka, Sebastian, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2013): Resilience as a Resource to Improve Sales Performance in Adverse Workplace Situations, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
          • Schuch, Jutta & Yasemin Boztuğ (2013): The Impact of Framed Reference Points, Source Credibility and Nutrition Involvement on Attribute Utility and Importance, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
          • Szczepanski, Alexandra & Yasemin Boztuğ (2013): The Role of Price Expectations in the Impact of Price Promotions, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

          • 2012
          • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Klaus Grunert, & Liisa Lähteenmäki (2012): How do Health Claims Influence Product Choice Behavior? - An Experimental Study, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Boston, USA.
          • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Hans J. Juhl, Ossama Elshiewy, & Morten B. Jensen (2012): Are Consumers Influenced in Their Food Choice by Health Labels?, Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
          • Drengner, Jan & Steffen Jahn (2012): Sponsorships as Value Propositions: Investigating the Effects of Direct and Indirect Value Co-Creation on Sponsor Brand Relationships and Purchase Intentions, LCB Research Conference in Sport Marketing: Focus on Sponsorship, Portland, USA.
          • Furchheim, Pia, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2012): Green Materialist, Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
          • Furchheim, Pia, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2012): The Green Side of Materialism, Proceedings of the AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago, USA.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Jan Drengner, Hansjoerg Gaus, & T. Bettina Cornwell (2012): Connected Consumers: The Influence of Temporal Sense of Community, Socio-Emotional Experience, and Satisfaction on Event Loyalty, Advances in Consumer Research, 39, 556-558.
          • Kiessling, Tina, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2012): Investigating Consumption Consequences of Different Nostalgia Types: The Power of Personal and Historical Nostalgia, Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
          • Kiessling, Tina, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2012): Investigating Consumption Consequences of Two Different Types of Nostalgia, Proceedings of the AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago, USA.
          • Meyhoefer, Tobias, Markus Schacht, Steffen Jahn, Cornelia Zanger, & Sandra Kaminski (2012): Leadership Education as Success Factor in New Venture Creation Support, Proceedings of the 2012 ICSB World Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

          • 2011
          • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, Hansjoerg Gaus, & T. Bettina Cornwell (2011): Delivering Linking Value through Events: Investigating Communal and Experiential Drivers of Loyalty, Proceedings of the 2011 AMS World Marketing Congress, Reims, France.
          • Geissler, Mario, Steffen Jahn, Holger Loebel, & Cornelia Zanger (2011): From Business Opportunity to Action: What Lies in Between?, Proceedings of the 2011 ICSB World Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Jan Drengner, & T. Bettina Cornwell (2011): A Comparison of Three Different Approaches to Measure Sponsor-Event Congruence, Proceedings of the 40th EMAC Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Jan Drengner, & Cornelia Zanger (2011): Measuring Sponsor-Event Congruence, Proceedings of the 2011 AMS World Marketing Congress, Reims, France.
          • Meyhoefer, Tobias, Markus Schacht, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2011): Leadershipausbildung als Erfolgsfaktor in der Gründerbetreuung, Proceedings der 15. Jahreskonferenz zur Gründungsforschung, St. Gallen / Zürich, Switzerland.

          • 2010
          • Breugelsman, Els, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Thomas Reutterer (2010): A Decision-supported Tool for Recommending Promising Categories for Targeted Promotions, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany.
          • Drengner, Jan & Steffen Jahn (2010): Is Event Sponsorship Always Rewarding? An Examination of Risks for Sponsors Caused by the Event Environment, Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference, New Orleans, USA.
          • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, & Hansjoerg Gaus (2010): Collective Hedonic Services and the Co-Creation of Value - Is Satisfaction the Silver Bullet?, Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference, New Orleans, USA.
          • Gaus, Hansjoerg, Steffen Jahn, Tina Kiessling, & Jan Drengner (2010): How to Measure Brand Values, Advances in Consumer Research, 37, 697-698.
          • Geissler, Mario, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2010): Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Their Interplay With Entrepreneurial Intention Creation - An Empirical Study, Proceedings of the 24th Conference and Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Maastricht, Netherlands.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Jan Drengner, Hansjoerg Gaus, & Cornelia Zanger (2010): Collective Hedonic Services and Loyalty Intentions: The Role of Customer Satisfaction, Psychological Sense of Community, Emotional Experience, and Frequency of Use, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
          • Jahn, Steffen, Hansjoerg Gaus, & Tina Kiessling (2010): Trust, Commitment, and the Elderly: Exploring Age Differences in Consumer-Brand Relationships, Advances in Consumer Research, 37, 564-565.
          • Pyka, Sebastian, Steffen Jahn, & Cornelia Zanger (2010): Exploring the Role of Salesperson Resilience, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
          • Sachse, Manuela, Jan Drengner, & Steffen Jahn (2010): Negative Effects of Event Sponsoring and Ambushing: The Case of Consumer Confusion, Advances in Consumer Research, 37, 546-547.
          • Wolf, Sandra, Cornelia Zanger, & Steffen Jahn (2010): Predicting Participation in Extra-Occupational Higher Education Programs: Broadening the Theory of Planned Behavior, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

          • 2009
          • Breugelsman, Els, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Thomas Reutterer (2009): A Decision-Support Tool for Recommending Promising Categories for Targeted Promotions, Proceedings of the 5th Marketing Dynamics Conference, University of Waikato, Waikato Management School, New Zealand.
          • Gaus, Hansjoerg, Jan Drengner, Steffen Jahn, & Tina Kiessling (2009): Toward a Brand Values Scale: Concept and First Empirical Steps, Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference 2009, Tampa, USA.
          • Gaus, Hansjoerg, Steffen Jahn, Jan Drengner, & Tina Kiessling (2009): Developing a Scale to Measure Brand Values, Proceedings of the 2009 AMS World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway.
          • Gaus, Hansjoerg, Steffen Jahn, & Tina Kiessling (2009): Not That Equal: The Impact of Age on Older Consumers' Brand Relationships, Proceedings of the 2009 AMS World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway.
          • Gaus, Hansjoerg, Steffen Jahn, Tina Kiessling, & Jan Drengner (2009): Developing a Brand Values Scale Based on Schwartz's Value Survey, Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Conference, Nantes, France.
          • Geissler, Mario & Steffen Jahn (2009): The Role University's Entrepreneurial Climate in the Entrepreneurial Decision Making Process, Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Budapest, Hungary.
          • Geissler, Mario, Steffen Jahn, Sandra Kaminski, & Cornelia Zanger (2009): University-SME Co-Operation: Benchmarking the Best, Proceedings of the 54th ICSB World Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
          • Geissler, Mario, Steffen Jahn, & Frank Schumann (2009): Opportunity Perception als Mediator im Gründungsprozess: Eine Erweiterung der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens, Proceedings der 13. Interdisziplinären Jahreskonferenz für die Gründungsforschung (G-Forum 2009), Leipzig, Germany.
          • Sachse, Manuela, Jan Drengner, & Steffen Jahn (2009): Negative Effects of Multiple Sponsoring and Ambushing of Mega Sport Events: The Case of FIFA Soccer World Cup 2006 and UEFA Euro 2008, Proceedings of the 17th EASM Eurpean Sport Management Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
          • Schuebel, Susanne, Steffen Jahn, & Mario Geissler (2009): Die Wahrnehmung unternehmerischer Chancen mit Hochschulhintergrund als Ausgangspunkt akademischer Unternehmensgründungen, Proceedings der 13. Interdisziplinären Jahreskonferenz für die Gründungsforschung (G-Forum 2009), Leipzig, Germany.

          • 2008
          • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Lutz Hildebrandt, & Nadja Silberhorn (2008): Investigating Cross-Category Brand Loyalty Behavior in FMCG, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, England.
          • Gaus, Hansjoerg, Steffen Jahn, & Tina Kiessling (2008): Consumer-Brand Relationships in the Gray Market: An Empirical Study among 'Younger' and 'Older' Elderly Women, Proceedings of the AMA Summer Educators' Conference, San Diego, USA.
          • Gaus, Hansjoerg, Steffen Jahn, Tina Kiessling, & Anja Weissgerber (2008): Does Aging Affect Brand Relationships? A Comparison of 'Younger' and 'Older' Elderly Women, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, England.
          • Geissler, Mario, Steffen Jahn, & Peter Haefner (2008): A Climate Approach for Fostering Entrepreneurship in an Academic Setting, Proceedings of the 53rd ICSB 2008 World Conference, Halifax, Canada.
          • Geissler, Mario, Steffen Jahn, & Peter Haefner (2008): Entrepreneurial Climate at Universities: Impact of Organizational Factors, Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Covilha, Portugal.
          • Jahn, Steffen (2008): Animosity Effects on Self-Brand Connections, Talk at the EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Brighton, England.
          • Reutterer, Thomas, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Els Breugelsman (2008): Which Categories Should Direct Marketers Feature for Which Customers When Using Targeted Promotions?, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, England.
          • Steger, Thomas & Steffen Jahn (2008): Are They Worth the Money They Get? - Role Taking and Contribution of German Supervisory Boards, 5th EIASM Workshop on Corporate Governance, Brussels, Belgium.

          • 2007
          • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Thomas Reutterer (2007): How to Select a Proper Market Basket Ensemble? A Comparison between Data-Driven and Ad Hoc Results, Proceedings of the 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
          • Drengner, Jan, Hansjoerg Gaus, & Steffen Jahn (2007): Image Effects of Marketing Events: The Impact of Flow Experiences, Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference, San Diego, USA.
          • Gaus, Hansjoerg & Steffen Jahn (2007): Consumer Knowledge and Country of Origin Effect in the Era of Global Automobile Production: Results of an Empirical Study, Proceedings of the 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.

          • 2006
          • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Thomas Reutterer (2006): A Stepwise Procedure for Segment-Specific Analysis of Joint Purchases, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, Greece.
          • Zanger, Cornelia, Hansjoerg Gaus, Steffen Jahn, Sandra Kaminski, & Michael Wenisch (2006): Competence-Based Preconditions for the Operativeness of a Regional Marketing Cluster, Proceedings of the 51st ICSB World Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

          • 2005
          • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (2005): A Market Basket Analysis Based on the Multivariate MNL Model, Proceedings of the 34th EMAC Conference, Milan, Italy.

          • 2000
          • Abe, Makoto, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Lutz Hildebrandt (2000): Comparison of a Semiparametric Utility Choice Model Estimated by Two Different Algorithms, Proceedings of the 29th EMAC Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

          • 1998
          • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (1998): The Application of Nonparametric Methods in Marketing, Proceedings of the 27th EMAC Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.


  • Jahn, Steffen (2013): Konsumentenwert: Konzeptualisierung und Analyse der Wirkungen auf Zufriedenheit und Loyalität am Beispiel eines Festivals. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin (2002): Die Analyse der Preiswirkung auf die Markenwahl. Wiesbaden, Germany: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.


  • Jahn, Steffen & Jan Drengner (2014): Entstehung und Wahrnehmung des Service Value. In Manfred Bruhn & Karsten Hadwich (Eds.), Service Value als Werttreiber. Konzepte, Messung und Steuerung. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. Wiesbaden, Germany, 33-58.
  • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, & Pia Furchheim (2013): Customer Engagement-Praktiken auf Social Networking-Plattformen und deren Bedeutung für die Kundenintegration. In Manfred Bruhn & Karsten Hadwich (Eds.), Dienstleistungsmanagement und Social Media. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, 221-242.
  • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, & Pia Furchheim (2013): Die Eignung von Social Networking-Plattformen für die Ablaufkontrolle von Events: Eine empirische Untersuchung unter Rückgriff auf die Erlebnisqualität. In Cornelia Zanger (Ed.), Events und Sport. Stand und Perspektiven der Eventforschung. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, 153-178.
  • Jahn, Steffen & Jan Drengner (2013): Transzendente Konsumerlebnisse bei Events. In Cornelia Zanger (Ed.), Stand und Perspektiven der Eventforschung. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, 109-128.
  • Jahn, Steffen, Jan Drengner, Hansjoerg Gaus, & Tina Kiessling (2013): Brand Values als Instrument der Markenführung: Konzeptualisierung, Messung, und Abgrenzung von der Markenpersoenlichkeit. In Carsten Baumgarth & Dirk-Mario Boltz (Eds.), Impulse für die Markenpraxis und Markenforschung. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, 215-239.
  • Jahn, Steffen & Cornelia Zanger (2013): Events und Social Media. In Manfred Bruhn & Karsten Hadwich (Eds.), Dienstleistungsmanagement und Social Media. Forum Dienstleisungsmanagement. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, 261-280.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Lutz Hildebrandt, & Nadja Silberhorn (2012): Investigating Cross-Category Brand Loyal Purchase Behavior in FMCG. In Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Wolfgang Fritz & Lutz Hildebrandt (Eds.), Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, 287-302.
  • Drengner, Jan & Steffen Jahn (2012): Konsumerlebnisse im Dienstleistungssektor. In Manfred Bruhn & Karsten Hadwich (Eds.), Customer Experience. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, 227-249.
  • Drengner, Jan, Steffen Jahn, & Hansjoerg Gaus (2010): Events and Loyalty Formation- The Role of Satisfaction, Felt Community, Emotional Experience, and Frequency of Use. In Cornelia Zanger (Ed.), Stand und Perspektiven der Eventforschung. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, 151-166.
  • Geissler, Mario, Steffen Jahn, & Peter Haefner (2010): Entrepreneurial Climate at Universities: Impact of Organizational Factors. In David Smallbone, Joao Leitao, Mário Raposo & Friederike Welter (Eds.), The Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 12-31.
  • Hildebrandt, Lutz & Yasemin Boztuğ (2007): Ansätze zur Warenkorbanalyse im Handel. In Markus Schuckel & Waldemar Toporowski (Eds.), Theoretische Fundierung und praktische Relevanz der Handelsforschung. Wiesbaden, Germany: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 217-233.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (2006): A Market Basket Analysis Conducted with a Multivariate Logit Model. In Myra Spiliopoulou, Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt, Andreas Nürnberger & Wolfgang Gaul (Eds.), From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 558-565.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (2005): Eine Simulation zum Test psychologischer Theorien der Preisbewertung. In Thorsten Posselt & Christian Schade (Eds.), Quantitative Marketingforschung in Deutschland. Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot, 253-275.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (2001): Die Schätzung von Responsefunktionen mit parametrischen und nichtparametrischen Verfahren über Scannerdaten. In Hajo Hippner, Ulrich Küsters, Matthias Meyer & Klaus Wilde (Eds.), Handbuch Data Mining im Marketing. Wiesbaden, Germany: Vieweg, 807-819.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (2001): Nichtparametrische Methoden zur Schätzung von Responsefunktionen. In Hajo Hippner, Ulrich Küsters, Matthias Meyer & Klaus Wilde (Eds.), Handbuch Data Mining im Marketing. Wiesbaden, Germany: Vieweg, 241-254.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (2001): Nonparametric Modeling of Buying Behavior in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Markets. In Georgios Papastefanou, Peter Schmidt, Axel Boersch-Supan, Hartmut Lüdtke & Ulrich Oltersdorf (Eds.), Social and Economic Research with Consumer Panel Data. Mannheim, Germany: ZUMA Nachrichten Spezial, 189-205.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (2001): Stichworte (Kontingenzanalyse, Logistische Regression, Logit-Modell, Log-lineare Modelle, Probit-Modell) zur Analyse von Wahlmodellen. In Hermann Diller (Ed.), Vahlens Großes Marketinglexikon. Munich, Germany: Beck, Vahlen, 821-822, 926-928, 1386.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin, Knut Bartels, & Marlene Müller (2000): Testing the Multinomial Logit Model. In Wolfgang Gaul & Reinhold Decker (Eds.), Classification and Information Processing at the Turn of the Millenium. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 296-303.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Marlene Müller (2000): Matrix Handling. In Wolfgang Härdle, Sigbert Klinke & Marlene Müller (Eds.), XploRe Learning Guide. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 429-463.


  • Breugelmans, Els, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Thomas Reutterer (2010): A Multistep Approach to Derive Targeted Category Promotions, Marketing Science Institute, Working Paper Series, Report No. 10-118.
  • Zanger, Cornelia, Sebastian Pyka, & Steffen Jahn (2009): Die Bedeutung der psychischen Widerstandsfähigkeit bei Außendienstmitarbeitern: Resilienz als Erfolgsfaktor im persönlichen Verkauf.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Thomas Reutterer (2007): A Combined Approach for Segment-Specific Analysis of Market Basket Data, Marketing Science Institute, Working Paper, Report No. 07-105.
  • Jahn, Steffen (2007): Strukturgleichungsmodellierung mit LISREL, AMOS und SmartPLS. Eine Einführung.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (2006): An Empirical Test of The Consumer Behavior Theory of Price Valuation Using a Semiparametric Approach, Reference Prices and Accounting for Heterogeneity, Discussion Paper, Report No. 2006-057, SFB 649.
  • Bell, David R. & Yasemin Boztuğ (2004): The Effect of Inventory on Purchase Incidence: Empirical Analysis of Opposing Forces of Storage and Consumption.
  • Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt (1998): Nicht- und semiparametrische Markenwahlmodelle im Marketing.