studying parents

Dear studying parents,

Welcome to the online-information-platform all about the topic „studying with children“. It is our goal to provide you with all the worth knowing information about reconciliation of study- and family-life at our university.

We present you a general overview of the legal foundation, tips, tricks and obstacles as well as resources and contacts, you should know. We are trying to include all reconciliation-oriented topics from A to Z.
The online-information-platform is an awarded proposal from the Ideas Competition for Students. Since the project is an idea from a student initiative, we are looking forward to your suggestions, unanswered questions and any opportunity to improve. Please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to your feedback that helps us improve your online-information-platform.

Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen
Legal framework
Kinderbetreuung für Studierende
Childcare for students
Financial options
Study organization