Scientific talks
- 19/04/2021
Discussant “SurvivaBall Home Suits” Opening Reception by Yuka Oyama, University of Gothenburg, in collaboration with Museum Marta Herford, Germany (on invitation). - 16/12/2020
with H. Pınar Şenoğuz “Hostile Terrain 94: Displays, Politics and Commemoration of Border Victims,”. Semester Colloquium, Institute Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology (CAEE), University of Göttingen. - 19/10/2020
“Von Object Links zu Accumulated Dispossessions. Bedingungen und Entdingungen von Flucht und Migration [From Object Links to Accumulated Dispossession. Conditions and Dismaterializations of Forced Migration],“ Lecture Series Object Links – Dinge in Beziehung [Object Links – Things in Relations]. Interdisciplinäry Centre for the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, University of Salzburg (on invitation). - 21/07/2020
“On the Amassed Dispossessions of Forced Migration: Conditions and Consequences,” Biennal EASA (online) Conference 2020 ‘New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe,’ ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon and ICS-Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. - 14/05/2020
”From Biographies to Biographical Horizons. On Life Courses and Things in Forced Migrations”, conference Materializing the Transient, Department for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Goettingen. - 11/11/2019
“Case Examples Flight and Migration Objects“ + discussion of findings, research project Mobile Dinge, Workshop St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (on invitation). - 29/07/2019
“Unternehmen Postmigration: Ökonomische Einblicke in die aktuelle Stadtgesellschaft [Postmigration Undertakings: Economic Insights into the Current Urban Community]“ visiting workshop in the context of the City Lab: Migration moves Göttingen - 28/06/2019
“Göttingen als Zufluchtsort: Alltagserfahrungen, Kämpfe um Anerkennung und solidarische Netzwerke [Göttingen as a Place of Refuge: Everyday Experiences, Struggles for Recognition and Solidarity Networks],“ Workshop im Rahmen des Stadtlabors: Migration bewegt Göttingen workshop in the context of the City Lab: Migration moves Göttingen. - 04/06/2019
“Making home or staying ‘homeless’? Practices, Adjustments, and Home Cultures in Transit Camps”, International Symposium HomING: displacement, suspension, projections and achievements in making home on the move, ERC HoMInG Project, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università di Trento. - 14/12/2018
“Home Cultures, Tactics and Materialities of Belonging after Migration,” Workshop “Lifestyles, Dwelling and Postmigratory Societies,” Department for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Goethe Frankfurt University. - 17/08/2018
“Materialities of Arrival. Dwelling, Assemblage, and the Aesthetics of Belonging after Migration”, 15th EASA Biennial Conference, Stockholm University. - 22/06/2018
„Wohnen in einer Arrival City. Haushalte, Materialität und ‚Eigenschaften‘ einer (post-)migrantischen Gesellschaft [Living in an Arrival City. Households, Materiality and 'Characteristics' of a (Post-)Migrant Society]“, Workshop der AG Stadtethnologie der DGSKA e.V. an der Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main. - 15/03/2018
„Kulturwissenschaftlicher Zugang zum Themenfeld materielle Kultur und Migration [Cultural Studies Approach to Material Culture and Migration]“ (Presentation 1) & „Einschreibungen, Brüche und Verschiebungen des transkulturellen Alltags [Inscriptions, Ruptures and Shifts in Transcultural Everyday Life]“ (Presentation 2), Workshop of the Forschungsnetzwerk interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien (first) und des Österreichischen Netzwerks Migrationsgeschichte (ÖNM) in St. Pölten, Universität Salzburg (on invitation). - 24/11/2017
“The End of Exoticism: Material leeways of current (Post-)Migratory Households,” Conference Re-Evaluations. On the ascription of value in social and ritual Practices, Research Training Group Value and Equivalence, Goethe Frankfurt University. - 05/06/2017
“Links & locations: Tracing the Materiality of Migratory Households in Hamburg”, International Workshop Researching home and migration, ERC HOMInG Project, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università di Trento. - 22/05/2017
“Households and the materiality of transcultural everydayness,” FAS Conference Entangled Mobilities, Department of History and Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä. - 15/12/2017
„Migrantische Lebenswelten in Hamburg. Eine ethnografische Reportage [Migrant Liveworlds in Hamburg. An Ethnographic Reportage]“, Afrika-Kolloquium, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Frankfurt Goethe University. - 02/12/2017
„Materialität des transkulturellen Alltags [Materiality of Transcultural Everydayness]“, DGV Workshop Dinge als Herausforderung [Things as Challenge], Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Goethe University Frankfurt. - 19/07/2016
„Geschlechtlichkeit, Ethnizität und Bewegung. Alltag saharauischer Haushalte im algerischen Exil [Gender, Ethnicity and Movement. Everyday Life of Sahrawi Households in Algerian Exile],“ Department of Comparative Studies in Culture and Religions, Philipps University Marburg.