Research Groups
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann
- Prof. Dr. Manuel Alcarazo
- Prof. Dr. Marina Bennati
- Prof. Dr. Ulf Diederichsen
- Prof. Dr. Konrad Koszinowski
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Steinem
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Lutz-F. Tietze
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nadja A. Simeth
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Walker
- Dr. Daniel Janßen-Müller
- SFB 803 "Functionality controlled by organization in and between membranes"
- MBExC - Multiscale Bioimaging Cluster of Excellence
- Life@Nano "Functional Principles of Living Matter: Life at the Nanoscale"
- SPP 1601 "New Frontiers in Sensitivity for EPR Spectroscopy: From Biological Cells to Nano Materials"
- SPP 1807 "Control of London dispersion interactions in molecular chemistry"
- SPP 2363 on “Utilization and Development of Machine Learning for Molecular Applications – Molecular Machine Learning”
- CaSuS "Catalysis for Sustainable Synthesis"
- Max Planck School Matter to Life
Junior Research Groups
Research Projects
Emeritus Professors and Retirees
Research Groups
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann
- Prof. Dr. Manuel Alcarazo
- Prof. Dr. Marina Bennati
- Prof. Dr. Ulf Diederichsen
- Prof. Dr. Konrad Koszinowski
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Steinem
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Lutz-F. Tietze
Emeritus Professors and Retirees
- Prof. Dr. Hartmut Laatsch
- Prof. Dr. em. Armin de Meijere
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Fitjer
- Prof. Dr. em. Wolfgang Lüttke (†)
- Prof. Dr. Axel Zeeck
Junior Research Groups
Research Projects
- SFB 803 "Functionality controlled by organization in and between membranes"
- MBExC - Multiscale Bioimaging Cluster of Excellence
- Life@Nano "Functional Principles of Living Matter: Life at the Nanoscale"
- SPP 1601 "New Frontiers in Sensitivity for EPR Spectroscopy: From Biological Cells to Nano Materials"
- SPP 1807 "Control of London dispersion interactions in molecular chemistry"
- SPP 2363 on “Utilization and Development of Machine Learning for Molecular Applications – Molecular Machine Learning”
- CaSuS "Catalysis for Sustainable Synthesis"
- Max Planck School Matter to Life