Vacancies for technical assistant and research assistants (PostDocs) - application deadlines 25.03.2024 and 01.04.2024 respectively

14.03.2024 Vacancies for technical assistant and research assistants (PostDocs) and

We are looking for new members for our team! Are you enthusiastic about agriculture and food and would like to (further) develop solutions with us? Then your application is very welcome. We are offering various positions, one technical assistant position and two full-time research assistant positions (PostDocs).
The PostDoc positions offer the opportunity for habilitation.

For more information on the positions, please open the info box below.

Technical Assistant wanted (all genders welcome)
The position is open-ended. Pay is dependent on professional experience and personal requirements up to pay group 9a TV-L.
You can find more information about this position here .

Full-time Research Assistant (PostDoc) wanted (all genders welcome), pay grade 13 TV-L
The position is limited to three years with the possibility of exstension for a further three years and offers the opportunity for habilitation.
You can find more information about this position here .

Full-time PostDoc - spectroscopy & chemometrics (all genders welcome) wanted, pay grade 13 TV-L
The position is limited to three years with the possibility of exstension for a further three years and offers the opportunity for habilitation.
You can find more information about this position here .

30.08.2023 Sie haben Interesse und Lust mit Ihren Sinnen zu arbeiten?

230830 Panelisten gesucht
Sie haben Lust auf spannende und vielseitige Forschungsprojekte in einem tollen Team und Sie möchten gerne etwas dazuverdienen?
Wir suchen Personen, die sich für Lebensmittel-Produkttests begeistern und unser bestehendes Team ergänzen.

Was erwartet Sie?

In unserem Sensoriklabor geht es um Schmecken, Riechen, Sehen, Fühlen und Hören. In den 10 Kabinen werden unter standardisierten Bedingungen Geruchs- und Geschmackstests für verschiedenste Produktkategorien durchgeführt. So können wir sensorische Studien zu unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen durchführen. Die Aufwandsentschädigung für Produkttester*in beträgt 17€/Std.

Hier kommen Sie ins Spiel
Sie können sich vorstellen unser Team von professionellen Lebensmitteltesterinnen und Lebensmitteltestern mit Ihren Riech-und Schmeckfähigkeiten zu unterstützen? Und Sie haben die Möglichkeit, dienstags und donnerstags von 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr zu uns in das Sensoriklabor zu kommen?
Unter diesem Link finden Sie die Möglichkeit, sich einzutragen.
Alle Informationen nochmal zusammengefasst finden Sie hier.


Unser Projekt ÖkoGen, das sich mit der Charakterisierung funktionaler Merkmale für eine nachhaltige und ökologische Nutzung des Haushuhns befasst, fand erneut Erwähnung im Göttinger Tageblatt.
Die Doktorandin Claire Siebenmorgen organisierte nun zum 6. Mal die Verkostung der Zweinutzungshühner in der Mensa. Parallel zum Verkosten sollten die Proband*innen einen Fragebogen ausfüllen, dessen Daten im Anschluss verarbeitet werden. Die Aktion wurde vom Göttinger Tageblatt begleitet.

Den ganzen Artikel finden Sie hier.

08.06.2023 Freie Stelle als studentische Hilfskraft in der Lehre

230608 Stellenausschreibung_PqtE_SHK_Lehre[3801]
Der Aufgabenbereich:
  • Pflege von unseren Lehrplattformen
  • Aufbau des Fragenkatalogs und dessen Integration in ILIAS
  • Literaturrecherchen
  • Vorbereitung von Praktika

    Die Rahmenbedingungen:
  • weitestgehend flexible Arbeitszeiten
  • 25h/ Monat (nach Vereinbarung)
  • eine Vertragsdauer von mind. 6 Monaten, Beginn ab sofort möglich
    Bei Interesse gerne melden bei Katharina Stanzel

    New bachelor thesis topics available!

    18.04.2023 Bachelor thesis topic to be assigned

    BSc Geflügelschlachtung Leitlinie
    Looking for a suitable bachelor thesis?
    You are interested in poultry slaughtering?
    Do you want to bring science and practice together in your first scientific work?

    Then check out our ad and apply by 5. 5. 23 with a personal motivation, wit and will to

    ÖkoGen in the press

    04.04.2023 Media attention for ÖkoGen

    We are pleased to have received a mention in the Göttinger Tageblatt about our ÖkoGen project. The project is about characterizing functional traits for ecological and sustainable use of domestic chicken. The aim here is to achieve whole-flock marketing of regional, organically reared chickens. We wanted to know how star chefs process chicken and evaluate the smell as well as taste of chicken.

    You can find the link to the article here.

    Master's theses are available!

    23.03.2023 3 Mastertheses available!

    230316_MSc TIGER Blutgetragene Parameter Betäubung Fleischqualität
    As of now, master's theses are available on the following topics:
    1. Usability of blood parameters for evaluation of stunning and meat quality in pigs
    2. Human perception of color differences using animal products as an example
    3. Validation of ballistic gelatin for measuring the effectiveness of hunting bullets

    For more information about the topcis, open the infobox below.
    1. In the TIGER project (Tierschutzgerechte Gasbetäubung von Schlachtschweinen im Diplift- und Paternoster-System) we are investigating alternative gases (argon, nitrogen and their mixtures with CO2) for stunning slaughter pigs taking into account animal welfare and meat quality.
    Here is more information on utility of blood parameters for assessing stunning and meat quality in pigs.

    2. The color of food is an important indicator of quality and plays a major role in purchasing decisions. Feeding novel protein sources, such as algae or insects, to livestock can affect the color of the meat. Little is known about the magnitude of color differences that are perceptible to the human eye and therefore relevant.
    Here is more information on Human perception of color differences using animal products as an example.

    3. The effectiveness of a bullet is checked by means of ballistic soap or gelatin. These so-called simulants are internationally recognized as substitutes for biological tissues in terms of interaction with a (hunting) projectile As natural products, their production is influenced by multiple factors and thus subject to marked variation (Maiden et al 2015 Carr et al 2018)
    Here is more information on Validation of ballistic gelatin for measuring the effectiveness of hunting bullets.

    Myth vs. Fact: Meat and fat quality of immunocastrates

    03.01.2023 FINGER Project Final Workshop

    As part of the final workshop of the project FINGER (field study on vaccination against boar odour) on 1. 3. The most important results were presented in Kiel and discussed intensively with representatives of the value chain. In the project, together with scientists from the University of Kiel and the MRI Kulmbach, we supported the initiative “100. 000 Improvac animals” in agriculture. The results demonstrate the de facto equivalence of meat and fat quality of immunocastrated male pigs compared to female fattening pigs and the resulting unrestricted suitability of immunocastrated carcasses for further processing.

    At the end of the project, Katja Götz and Daniel Mörlein presented the key results of the Göttingen work package. The focus was on the variability of the meat and fat quality of immunocastrated animals compared to female fattening pigs under practical conditions and suitability for processing. To this end, we have chemically and physically examined samples from more than 800 carcasses, conducted sensory studies and consumer tests. An excerpt of the most important results is available here on meat and fat quality and sensory and consumer acceptance, respectively.

    We are hiring!

    28.11.2022 Two research associate positions available!

    Join our team! We are looking for post-doctoral researchers and PhD candidates to work with us on the many challenges associated with the production of valuable animal products. Are you enthusiastic about advancing evidence-based solutions? Then your application is highly appreciated.

    For more information about the positions, open the infobox below.

    We offer a full-time position (suitable for part-time work). The position is initially temporary for a period of three years, with the possibility of extension for another 3 years. The position offers the possibility of habilitation.
    For further information on the full-time position, klick here.

    We also offer a part-time position with 50% of the regular weekly working hours. The position is limited until 30.09.2025. The position offers the possibility to do a PhD within a collaborative research project on the use of local chicken breeds and their crossbreeding with economic lines in organic agriculture, carried out by the Department of Farm Animal Science of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Product Quality of Animal Products Prof. Dr. Daniel Mörlein) in cooperation with the Institute of Health Sciences, Prof. Nutrition, Health and Sustainability of the PH Schwäbisch Gmünd ( Antje Risius).
    For more information on the 50% position, please see here.

    In addition, we offer a part-time position with 65% of the regular weekly working hours. The position is initially limited until 31.08.2023, with the option of a 12-month extension (subject to funding). The position is to participate in a collaborative research project on the application of alternative gases for stunning of slaughter pigs under consideration of animal welfare and meat quality, conducted by the Department of Livestock Sciences of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Product Quality of Animal Products (Prof. Dr. Daniel Mörlein) and Dept. of Functional Breeding (Prof. Dr. Jens Tetens). The results of the project may be used for personal doctoral studies.
    For more information on the 65% position, please see here.

    We are hiring (again)!

    03.11.2022 Student Assistant Job available!

    221027_Stellenausschreibungen SHKs Produktqualitaet We are looking for student assistants (m/f/d) | contract period at least 6 months | working hours by arrangement
    To participate in various research projects, including improving animal welfare in pig slaughtering and organic poultry production.

    You can find more information about this job posting here .

    The color pink

    17.5.2022 How well can consumers perceive differences in color?

    The co-authors from the research group “Quality of Animal Products” are pleased to announce the publication of their research determining the threshold of discrimination for differences in color. The research is published in the scientific journal “Meat Science”.

    Consumers closely associate color with product freshness and is therefore one of their most important search attributes. For this reason, color is often closely monitored as a product quality attribute and studies have been devoted to understanding consumer preferences for meat color. However, the results of such research are difficult to interpret because little is known regarding the perceivable threshold of color differences. Therefore, we set out to determine the threshold of discrimination using a color spectrum modelled using color measurements of raw pork. We sampled 473 consumers using a decentralized online questionnaire. Results show that small differences (ΔE ≈ 1) in color are already perceivable to consumers. Furthermore, a color difference in yellow hues is more perceivable than a difference in red hues. Difference in lightness are the most difficult to perceive. Our results are essential for interpreting meat color measurements and understanding when differences in color may be relevant. In addition, our results can better inform future experiments on assessing consumer preferences for meat quality attributes, specifically color.

    Original publication:
    Brianne A. Altmann, Jan Gertheiss, Igor Tomasevic, Christina Engelkes, Thibaud Glaesener, Jule Meyer, Alina Schäfer, Richard Wiesen, Daniel Mörlein: Human perception of color differences using computer vision system measurements of raw pork loin (Meat Science)

    Dr. Brianne Altmann University of Göttingen Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Sciences Quality of Animal Products Kellnerweg 6, 37077 Göttingen, Germany Tel: +49 (0)551 39-25611 Email:
    Prof. Daniel Mörlein
    read more: Link

    Looking for a master thesis topic?

    17.5.2022 New topics around the topic "Quality"

    220517 masterarbeitsthemen QTE The master thesis is both a challenge and an opportunity. At the end of your studies you will, typically, dive intensively into a topic for 6 months. Here you will find a selection of possible research questions. In addition, there is always the chance to work on a topic docked to our ongoing research projects. If you are interested, even if you want to work on your own research question, feel free to talk to us in our courses or contact us briefly by email. Further topics are available on request.

    Welcome back to lectures - and let's have a look back at our vodcast winners!

    27.04.2022 Congratulations to the winners of the vodcast voting!

    22 QTE Vodcast Winner Every winter semester we offer the bachelor module Quality of Animal Products (B.Agr. 0333). Since winter semester 20/21, an important component has also been the production of a vodcast in teams of five on a selected topic to deepen the lecture content. The aim is to highlight important findings from current scientific publications on the product quality of animal products and to present their significance for consumers, farmers and scientists in a way that is effective for the media. Traditionally, three winning podcasts are chosen at the end by both the student group and the lecturers.

    This year it was a very close race between three vodcasts - both teachers and students agreed that 3 vodcasts were by far the most entertaining and educational in their implementation of the respective focus topic. The vodcasts are available in German language only.
    First place: Agrartalk: Insects as food and fodder
    Second place:Quality and authenticity of animal products in Europe
    Third place:Mixed Minced Meat: Can insect proteins also be used in our sausage?
    Thank you very much for your time and creative ideas in implementing the contents - and all this in spite of limited time and corona restrictions.
    We are already looking forward to the next winter semester and many new creative vodcasts on topics related to the quality of animal products!

    How well are alternative feedstuffs received by the end consumer?

    Researchers at the University of Göttingen examine the effect of providing information

    Bild_FoodPolicy_NewsWe are pleased to announce the publication of our research article on consumer preferences for insects and algae as alternative feeds in poultry production. The study was published in the scientific journal "Food Policy". More: Link

    First-class Work!

    25.11.2021 Students research alternative animal products

    211124_Brianne AnnaThe research group “Product Quality for Animal Products” would like to congratulate Ms. Anna Trinks (Gottfried Wilhem Leibniz University Hannover) and Mr. Frederik Paul Morthorst (University of Goettingen) on the exceptional completion of their theses projects regarding alternative and sustainable systems for animal products.

    The research group “Product Quality for Animal Products” would like to congratulate Ms. Anna Trinks (Gottfried Wilhem Leibniz University Hannover) and Mr. Frederik Paul Morthorst (University of Goettingen) on the exceptional completion of their theses projects.
    Through her master thesis covering a systematic literature review and consumer survey on egg shell colour, Ms. Trinks investigated and cemented the understanding of consumer preferences for the appearance of animal products. Consumer preferences for product colour differ regionally and across demographic groups, resulting in very heterogeneous preferences within worldwide markets. German consumers state that egg shell colour is not important when purchasing eggs; yet, the results of Ms. Trinks show that consumers renege on packages with different egg shell colours or unfamiliar egg shell colour (green). Most importantly, production system and credence attributes associated with production system influence consumer preferences for eggs more greatly than egg shell colour. The thesis project was supervised by Prof. Dr. Tuba Esatbeyoglu (Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Department of Food Development and Food Quality, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover) and Dr. Brianne A. Altmann (Product Quality for Animal Products, Department for Animal Sciences, University of Goettingen).
    In his bachelor thesis project, Mr. Morthorst investigated the effect of insect feed on the meat quality of two slow-growing chicken breeds. Particularly innovative was the rearing of insects for feed; the insects were produced at the Free University of Bolzano using municipal waste materials. The insects were then processed and included as a main ingredient in the chicken feed. Hubbard ISA JA 757 and Bresse chickens were consecutively raised using the innovative feed and meat quality was evaluated for imitated retail-ready cuts. The resulting chicken piece products differed greatly in size based on the breed; genetically, Bresse chickens tend to be smaller. Insect feed led to a more golden-yellow raw product colour and reduced moisture-loss during storage, compared to the status quo soybean-based chicken feed. Overall, insect feed is compatible with production systems using both slow-growing chicken breeds; insects as feed can minimally improve chicken product quality. The thesis project was supervised by Dr. Brianne A. Altmann (Product Quality for Animal Products, Department for Animal Sciences, University of Goettingen) und Dr. Stefanie Ammer (Livestock Systems, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Goettingen).
    A big hearty congratulation goes out to the two up-and-coming young researchers and their outstanding contribution to the research on animal product quality!

    Sampling is complete


    Tummel_Abschluss_neuThe FINGER project completed its sample collection with the last slaughter at the end of October 2021. It was a successful conclusion to this stage of the project. A big thank you goes to the Tummel abattoir for their excellent cooperation and support, and to our product quality team for their tireless commitment to sample processing.

    Team building

    11.10.2021. Works outing at Solling

    Betriebsausflug Kellnerweg Solling 2021 It's been a year since we moved into our new labs and offices at Kellnerweg. Eventually we could spend a full day together with the other colleagues from the department. The works outing included various indoor and outdoor activities in the beautiful Solling area. Thanks a lot to the organising team!

    Less but better: Pork 4.0!

    October 2021. Invited talk on sensory improvement

    211005 moerlein sensorik schwein BLE The central statement of Prof. Daniel Mörlein's lecture at the National Congress on Breeding and Husbandry of Pigs and Cattle in Berlin on 6/7 October 21 was that not only animal welfare, climate protection and environmental protection in pork production must be improved in the future, but that the palatability of pork should also be noticeably increased..
    The presentation first highlighted factors that negatively influence consumer perception of pork. One consequence is the declining per capita consumption of pork in Germany. Prof. Mörlein addressed the issue of consistently implementing the demand "less but better". In addition to the implementation of necessary transformations for more animal, climate and environmental protection, the palatability should also be noticeably improved, according to the central statement of the lecture. To this end, exemplary breeding possibilities for improvement were shown and findings on the heritability of relevant traits (including intramuscular fat, tenderness, drip and cooking juice loss) were presented. Furthermore, Daniel Mörlein presented proposals for solutions to mitigate conflicts of objectives, e.g. in the payment of carcasses, and discussed the opportunities of a more differentiated pork in view of consumer segments with varying preferences.

    Early immunocastration to prevent ‘taint’ in boar meat?

    February 2021: New research into immunocastration of male piglets

    vaccination against boar taint Together with our project partners from the Thünen Institute for Organic Agriculture, we have tested a very early vaccination to prevent boar odour in male piglets in a unique study to date. In over 90% of the test animals, the development of boar odour was reliably inhibited, as in the control group. This points towards an alternative vaccination scheme.

    Researchers from the Thünen Institute of Organic Farming and the University of Göttingen are the first to investigate very early immunocastration in male piglets to prevent ‘boar taint’, which affects the taste of meat from non-castrated animals. Being an alternative to surgical castration, immunocastration induces an immune response against certain hormones thereby delaying sexual maturity. The project team collected extensive data on the effects on fattening performance, meat and fat quality, as well as on the behaviour and well-being of the animals. The results of the study have been published in the journal Animals. A total of 109 pigs were castrated with Improvac© in three test runs, either very early, ie in the 3rd and 7th week of life, or following the conventional timing, ie during the period of fattening in the 12th and 19th week of life. The development of boar taint was reliably inhibited in over 90 percent of the test animals. The production performance as well as the behaviour and well-being of the animals did not differ between the two groups. There were no significant differences in meat and fat quality compared to the conventional use of immunocastration procedures during fattening. "The early immunocastration against boar taint can be easily integrated into the standard working processes of organic and conventional piglet producers, which makes handling much easier compared to older fatten-ing pigs," explains Ralf Bussemas from the Thünen Institute for Organic Farming in Trenthorst. "The results of our study – the first of its kind to date – show a way to make immunocastration against boar taint feasible for small and medium-sized farms as well as larger producers," adds Dr Johanna Mörlein from the Department of Farm Animal Science at Göttingen University. The results showed that immunocastration as a non-invasive measure is particularly suitable for influencing the development of boar meat odour at an early stage without subjecting the piglets to the stress of surgical castration. It remains to be seen whether a higher dose than that used in the trial can completely prevent odour deviations. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture based on a resolution of the German parliament.

    Original publication:

    • Werner, D.; Baldinger, L.; Bussemas, R.; Büttner, S.; Weißmann, F.; Ciulu, M.; Mörlein, J.; Mörlein, D. Early Immunocastration of Pigs: From Farming to Meat Quality. Animals 2021, 11, 298. Online available: Link

    And the winner is…

    27.10. Research for sustainable nutrition awarded

    DSCF5209 This year, the renowned Stockmeyer Science Award goes to our colleagues Dr. Stephanie Grahl and Dr. Brianne Altmann. In their dissertations they investigated the potential of alternative protein sources using algae and insects as examples. The prize is endowed with 10,000 EUR. Congratulations!

    Welcome aboard, Jasmin Waness!

    15.10.Nnew employee for research project TIGER

    We welcome the veterinarian Jasmin Waness as a new scientific assistant in our department. In the project TIGER for the animal welfare friendly gas stunning of slaughter pigs Jasmin is going to study alternatives to the common CO2 stunning. She will especially focus on aspects of meat quality. Welcome Jasmin!

    Quite analog - a farewell coffee drink

    14.9.2020 Farewell to Mrs. Pretzer

    Abschied_Prezer Under the open sky, in glorious sunshine with delicious cake, delicious cookies and fresh coffee, we could say goodbye to our Mrs. Prezer in a very analog way. A pleasant change in digital Corona times. We wish Mrs. Prezer all the best for the future.

    Biodiversity and alternative protein sources

    4.9.2020 - How to make use of lokal chicken breeds and field beans

    Vorwerk In the research project PorReE we have been involved in investigating the suitability of local poultry breeds for the production of meat and eggs. Thereby we are also testing the exchange of soybean meal for field beans. Important results have now been published in a number of publications.

    Poultry production systems are currently facing important issues like animal welfare, the environmental impact of soy imports from overseas and the decline in genetic diversity. The current study aims at testing an alternative production system that could provide niche markets with regional poultry products.

    In two consecutive experiments, two traditional chicken breeds, Vorwerkhuhn and Bresse Gauloise, and White Rock as a commercial layer genotype as well as crossbreds thereof were fed diets containing either 20% vicin-rich or vicin-poor faba beans.

    A series of papers reports key findings:

    • Hens‘ laying performance: Nolte et al., 2020 Animals Link
    • Cockerels’ growth and carcass value: Nolte et al, 2020 Animals Link
    • Cockerels‘ meat quality: Escobedo et al, 2020 Foods Link

    University of Göttingen research team investigates the influence of insect and microalgae feeds on meat quality

    29.6.2020 - Press release: Feeds of the Future

    Worldwide there is a growing demand for animal products for human nutrition, despite vegan and vegetarian diets becoming more popular in Western countries. Changing diets necessitate a substantial amount of protein as an input for animal production. Future protein feedstuffs will need to become independent of arable land in order to avoid further land use changes, such as deforestation. The cultivation of insects as well as microalgae are up-and-coming sectors in Germany, as well as globally, to meet protein demands for humans and animals alike. Therefore, a research team at the University of Göttingen investigated whether these alternative protein sources alter typical meat quality. Their results have been published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (JSFA).

    You can find the article here: Link

    8.4.2020 - Sensorische Beliebtheit von Algen-Pasta als Fleischersatz

    Eating Green Auf der Suche nach Wegen, den Lebensmittelkonsum nachhaltiger zu gestalten, haben wir untersucht, in welcher Form Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher Algen als Teil ihrer Ernährung annehmen. Favorit der Probanden war eine Nudel-Füllung aus Spirulina, Zitrone und Basilikum. Die Ergebnisse der Studie sind in der Fachzeitschrift FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE erschienen Link .

    5.02.2020 - Vortrag von Prof. Mörlein beim FACHFORUM SCHWEIN in Cloppenburg

    FachForumSchwein Zum 9. Mal hatte die Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen zum „Fachforum Schwein“ eingeladen. Referenten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis nahmen Stellung zur Tierhaltung der Zukunft, Ferkelkastration und Digitalisierung. Mehr als 80 ausstellende Unternehmen präsentierten Trends aus den Bereichen Fütterung, Haltung, Tiergesundheit, Tierzucht und Beratung. Prof. Dr. Daniel Mörlein unterzog das Thema Ebermast und Impfung gegen Ebergeruch einem Faktencheck.
    In seinem Vortrag ging Prof. Mörlein zunächst auf die Gründe für die weit verbreitete Praxis der betäubungslosen Ferkelkastration ein, macht jedoch deutlich, dass diese Prozedur aus tierschutzfachlicher Sicht nicht länger akzeptabel ist. Es wurden im Weiteren vor allem zwei Handlungsalternativen diskutiert, die ohne chirurgische Kastration auskommen: die Ebermast mit/ohne pubertäre Lebensphase und die Impfung gegen Ebergeruch durch Hemmung der Hodenfunktion. Im Zentrum standen dabei die Vor- und Nachteile mit Blick auf die Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität, wobei der Fokus auf Besonderheiten der sensorischen Wahrnehmung und Aspekten der Fettqualität lag. Prof. Mörlein machte deutlich, dass eine wertschöpfende Verarbeitung von geruchsabweichendem Fleisch aus ethischen und ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten unabdingbar ist; anhand verschiedener Erkenntnisse wurden Lösungsansätze dafür präsentiert. Schließlich griff der Vortrag die vielfach geäußerten Bedenken gegenüber der so genannten Immunokastration auf, unterzog diese einem Faktencheck und stellte Lösungsansätze vor.

    Referenten: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hartung von der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (von links), Dr. Hendrik Nienhoff (LWK), Landwirt Josef Gelb, LWK-Vizepräsident Hermann Hermeling, Philipp Hölscher vom Thünen-Institut, Ferkelerzeuger Heinz-Dieter Lödden, Prof. Dr. Daniel Mörlein von der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Dr. Heiko Janssen, Fachreferent für Schweinezucht und Schweinehaltung bei der LWK (Bild: Swantje Ziegeler, LWK Niedersachsen)