Indikatoren zu regionalen Wissenstransferstrukturen für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Indikatorik zu regionalen Wissenstransferstrukturen für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Förderrichtlinie zur „Weiterentwicklung der Indikatorik für Forschung und Innovation“

01.09.2019 – 31.08.2022

Short description

Economic policy context

In its 2018 updated sustainability strategy, the Federal Government has committed itself to sustainability targets. The goals based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations represent a challenge for society as a whole. In the German government's "High-Tech Strategy 2025", for example, innovation processes play a key role as drivers of sustainable development in achieving the goals. The contribution of innovations to sustainable development is unclear because there is currently a lack of suitable indicators.

Research context and project objective

The project within the framework of the funding line for the "Further Development of Indicators for Research and Innovation" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research focuses on the role of knowledge transfer institutions and intermediaries and aims to make innovation activities related to sustainable development measurable in regional innovation systems. Innovation networks and intermediaries can support and accelerate innovation processes at the regional level between business, science, administration and civil society actors.

The project aims to investigate the importance of the structural characteristics of key actors in relation to sustainable innovation. The central research question is whether regional innovation systems with their knowledge transfer structures differ in their innovation output and their contribution to sustainable development if they are explicitly oriented towards sustainable development. To answer this question, IreWiNE examines, among others, the Southern Lower Saxony Innovation Campus (SNIC) and the joint project "System Innovation for Sustainable Development" with the participation of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. The initial hypothesis is that in regional innovation systems, actors who are fundamentally sensitive to sustainable development can be integrated into learning processes through appropriate knowledge transfer structures in such a way that the relevant innovations increase in number and impact potential. A central component of the project is the exchange with regional stakeholders in practical workshops and the transfer of project results.

Project partners

  • University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt - Prof. Dr. Martin Führ
