Potential of functional diversity for increasing the disturbance resiliency of forests and forest-based socio-ecological systems (FUNPOTENTIAL)

Climate change probably impacts forests by increasing natural disturbances, such as storms, wildfires, and insect outbreaks. Such intensified disturbances regimes have negative impacts, e.g., on wood production and economy. Nature based solutions with higher tree-species and structural diversity offer promising adaptation options to increase the forest resilience and stabilize the provision of ecosystem services. However, developing effective and efficient management solutions requires a solid understanding of disturbance, forest dynamics, and economic rationale of forest management. Funpotential therefore aims to develop disturbance-resilient forest management and policy strategies, which sustain supply of wood, climate services and biodiversity under climate change.

The subproject conducted at the University of Göttingen (WP3) focusses on the roles of tree species and structural diversity in increasing the robustness and resilience of forest enterprises. We apply bioeconomic simulation modelling and economic portfolio optimization to contribute to the understanding of feedbacks between functional stand diversity and ecosystem recovery, disturbance and market volatility and the provision of income, wood products and climate services. Firstly, we will explore the effects of stand diversity on economic risks and returns by coupling the IPM growth model with bio-economic risk simulation. Secondly, we will investigate diversification strategies at the enterprise level under different disturbance scenarios, developed by project partners. Finally, we will explore the effects of such strategies on carbon sequestration. Here, we will incorporate policy measures, such as incentives, disincentives and regulations as well as different carbon price scenarios and targets, developed by the overall project into the forest enterprise optimization model.

FUNPOTENTIAL seeks to involve local forest managers and owners, as well as stakeholders in the modelling activities through a collaborative process to increase practical relevance of our research.

For more information and news about the project, please visit: FUNPOTENTIAL

Person in charge:            

Fuchs, J. M. ;Paul, C.; Husmann, K.

Funded by:

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - (BMBF) within the BiodivClim ERA-Net Cofund funding programme (joint BiodivERsA Call on "Biodiversity and Climate Change", 2019-2020)

mit nationaler Kofinanzierung durch:

Academy of Finland (Finnland, decision no. 344722)

Agence nationale de la recherche (Frankreich, project ANR-20.EBI5-0005-03)

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Deutschland, Fördernummer.16LC2021A) 


Project partner: 

Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)

French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Enviroment (INRAE)


01.04.2021 – 31.03.2025
