Flexible child care for student parents
The flexible child care service, provided in cooperation with the Child Day Care Agency (Kindertagespflegebörse), can be used when a course or event takes place outside of the hours covered by the child care facilities. This includes time periods in the afternoon, evening or at the weekend. Students are given special advice by the Child Day Care Agency and are individually supported in the search for child minders. On request students can receive subsidies for the costs of child care.
Target groups:
Student parents, whose child has a child care place in one of the day care centres and who requires additional child care outside of regular child care hours.
Student parents whose child is cared for by a child minder. PhD students are excluded from this offer.
The costs for the advisory and placement service provided by the Child Day Care Agency Göttingen are assumed by the University of Göttingen.
Student parents receive a subsidy for child care costs in the amount of a maximum of 2 Euro per child care hour, in total up to a maximum of 100% of the total costs, whereby subsidies from third parties are included in the calculation. There is no legal right to receive a subsidy.
Please note that the subsidy is granted per semester for 14 weeks – in cases of hardship it can also be granted during the lecture-free periods between semesters. Each semester is must be requested anew.
Application process
Please contact the Child Day Care Agency Göttingen. You are given special advice and are individually supported in the search for child minders. Then you are introduced to a suitable child minder individually selected for you. You sign a child care contract with the day care provider and agree the times and costs for the child care.
Please submit your application for a subsidy for child care costs at the beginning of the semester. Please send the application to the Family Service and also enclose the child day care contract. The contract must indicate whether or not you receive an additional subsidy from the Youth Welfare Office. In case this is not indicated in the contract you are obliged to communicate whether you receive a subsidy.
The Family Service checks the application and informs you by e-mail about the level of subsidy that you can expect to receive in case the agreed child care hours are being used.
At the end of the semester you must inform the Family Service about the actual number of child care hours provided. You can make use of the second enclosed application form.
The subsidy for the actual amount of child care hours provided is then sent by the Family Service for payment.