Please feel free to call us, write us an email or simply come by and speak with us if : The University of Göttingen pursues a comprehensive equal opportunities policy: it combines target-group-specific support measures with gender-oriented development of the University’s structures and culture. Gender equality has been established as an independent field of action. At the same time, gender equality is integrated as a cross-sectional task into all structures and processes of University fields of action - the promotion of early career researchers, research, studies and teaching, infrastructures and research management. The objective is to create equal opportunities, to accept and appreciate different ways of life and life situations and to reduce disadvantage and discrimination. The University of Göttingen supports the compatibility of academic studies/research/work life, family and private life and aims to organise studies, research and work in a way that is compatible with family and private life. The University’s compatibility policies include different situations in life: childcare, caring for close relatives, time and geographical restrictions due to different household or family situations, private commitments such as volunteering, as well as preventative health care, sports and continuing education. A special focus is put on the compatibility of academic studies/research/work life and family. Compatibility - next to equality and diversity - is a part of the University strategy and implemented as a cross-sectional topic in University development. The University of Göttingen pursues a comprehensive diversity policy: Diversity orientation is deeply rooted as a cross-cutting task in developing the unique profile and strategy of the University. With the signing of the Charter of Diversity (“Charta der Vielfalt”), the development of a diversity strategy and participation in the diversity audit “Shaping Diversity” of the Stifterverband, it has affirmed this orientation. The aim is to create an organisational structure and culture that is geared to diversity and that offers all members and employees of the University equal opportunities and protection against discrimination, regardless of their origin and life situation. In order to ensure equal opportunities in application processes for administrative employees and academic staff, the Equal Opportunities Officer must be involved. The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit of the University of Göttingen has been organizing events for decentralized equal opportunities officers, employees in science, administration and science management as well as students since 2004. Various formats are used, such as lectures, workshops, panel discussions, round table discussions and collegial practical advice. The offers are developed to meet the needs of different target groups and topics and are often implemented in cooperation with other university institutions.
Equal Opportunities
Learn more
Equal Opportunities Officer
Dorothee Konings
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Room: Oec 2.146a
Tel. 0551 39-28807
Gender Equality
Participation in Personnel Measures
Projects and Measures
Counselling Centres and further Links
Qualification and Professionalization on Equality, Compatibility and Diversity