Apl. Prof. Dr. Jutta Dresken-Weiland
Personal information
- Born on the 24 of September 1963 in Lünen/Westfalen; married to Dr. Albrecht Weiland since 1990; 2 children.
- 1982 A-Levels in Lünen, Städtisches Gymnasium Lünen-Altünen (secondary school)
- 1982-1984 study of classical archaeology, ancient history, ancient oriental archaeology at Westfälische Wilhems-Universität
- 1984-1990 study of classical archaeology, ancient history, christian archaeology at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
- 21.1.1990 doctorate with Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Himmelmann on the subject of "Reliefierte Tischplatten aus theodosianischer Zeit" (Textured tabletops of the Theodosian period)
- 1990-1991 research assistant for Byzantine bibliography at the DAI in Rome
- 1991-1992 travel grant from the DAI
- 1992-1993 research assistant for Byzantine bibliography at the DAI in Rome
- 1993-1996 contributor for Christian Archaeology at the DAI Rome
- June 1996 relocation to Regensburg
- Since July 1996 assistant editor of "Römische Quartalschrift"
- 1997-2000 postdoctoral scholarship in the context of the HSP III of the Universität Regensburg on the topic of "Sarkophagbestattungen in frühchristlicher Zeit und im frühen Mittelalter" (Sepulture in sarcophagi in Early Christian time and the Early Middle Ages)
- 1998-2003 lectureship in Christian Archaeology at the Catholic-theological faculty of the Universität Regensburg
- March 2001 submission of the habilitation dissertation "Sarkophagbestattungen des 4. - 6. Jhs. im Westen des Römischen Reiches" (sepulture in sarcophagi from 4. - 6. cent. in the west of the Roman Empire) at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- 2001-2003 scholarship from the excellency pool in the context of the HWP-programme of the Universität Regensburg
- Since January 2002 member of editorial committee of the magazine "Antiquité tardive" (Paris)
- 15.5.2002 attainment of the venia legendi (authorization to teach) for Christian Archaeology and Byzantine Art History at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Since SS 2003 teaching in Göttingen
- Since 2004 member of the "Forum Mittelalter" at Universität Regensburg
- Since 2004 member of the academic advisory board of the Görres-Gesellschaft
- 2004-2006 DFG-research project MECA - Mors secundum epigrammata cristiana antiqua, Vorstellungen von Tod und Jenseits im Spiegel der christlichen Grabinschriften (3. - 6. Jh.) (beliefs of death and beyond as reflected in christian epitaphs) (with Prof. Dr. Andreas Merkt, professorship in old church history and patrology at University Regensburg)
- Since October 2004 co-editor of the magazine "Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte"
- 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2009 DFG-research project BIQ - Bilder als Quellen für Jenseitsvorstellungen der frühen Christen (images as sources of conceptions of the afterworld of early Christians) (with Prof. Dr. Andreas Merkt, professorship in old church history and patrology at University Regensburg)
- 30.05. - 01.06.2008 organisation and conduction of the annual conference of the "Association pour l'Antiquité tardive" in Regensburg
- Since May 2008 member of the conseil d'administration of the "Association pour l'Antiquité tardive"
- 10.12.2009 appointment to extracurricular professor at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- 2010 preparation of the publication of both research projects for printing
- Since January 2011 temporary research assistant at Universität Regensburg
- 2012/2013 member in the scientific advisory commitee of the exhibition "Credo. Christianisierung Europas im Mittelalter" (Credo. Christianization of Europe in the Middle Ages)
- 19.-20.04.2013 organisation and conduction of the international conference "Neue Forschungen zu frühchristlichen Friedhöfen" (New research on early christian cemeteries) at Universität Regensburg