Academic Advisor / Fachstudienberatung
The Academic Advisor can help with a variety of questions and problems.FAQs at the beginning of your studies
Here you will find answers to questions that frequently arise at the beginning of your studies.Student representatives of the Fachgruppe
The student representatives of the Fachgruppe will be happy to help you with any questions or problems you may have. Simply write an e-mail.Sie brauchen Unterstützung beim Verfassen einer Haus-/Seminararbeit, eines Thesenpapieres oder Handouts, eines Exposés, eines Protokolls der Berichtes, der Bachelorarbeit? Es fällt Ihnen schwer ein Thema zu finden und es einzugrenzen, eine Fragestellung zu entwickeln, mit Literatur umzugehen, das Gelesene mit eigenen Gedanken zu verknüpfen, Inhalte zu strukturieren etc.? Dann wenden Sie sich an das Internationale Schreiblabor der Uni.
Feedback on examination results
Would you like feedback on your exam results? Talk to the lecturer about it!Departments involved in the World Literature programme
You can call up the contact details of the departments involved in the World Literature programme here.Subsequent degree programmes
Here you can find an overview of the contact persons for the subsequent degree programmes.Disadvantage compensation
Disabilities or chronic illnesses can lead to direct disadvantages when studying. For this reason, it is possible to claim compensation for disadvantages. These are intended to help compensate for individual disadvantages.All important information on compensation for disadvantages can be found in the handout on compensation for disadvantages from the Faculty of Humanities.
Counselling and support services
There are a number of counselling and information centres at the university that can help you with questions and problems in different ways.A low-threshold offer in acute stress situations is the Zuhörtelefon (listening telephone) of the university group Nightline Göttingen.