About Us

The Campus Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use has coordinating staff at its headquarters, as well as CBL secondary members and affiliates.
We cordially invite researchers and lecturers at the University of Göttingen in the fields of biodiversity and sustainable land use to apply for secondary membership to the Board. You are also welcome to contact us if you see thematic links in your work and would like to work with us in interdisciplinary research and teaching networks. The CBL Board and members are constantly developing the range of topics and are advised by the Advisory Board.

CBL Networks and Cooperations

The CBL thrives on intensive partnerships, whether across faculties at the university, or with local partners at field sites in Germany, Europe and the Global South. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all contributors in Germany and around the world for their often long-standing cooperation in our joint projects, teaching and teaching development, event organisation and alumni work.


Scientific Advisory Board

The CBL is supported by a national scientific advisory board with six experts from the fields of biodiversity and sustainable land use. It advises the centre strategically.


Campus Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use (CBL)

Managing Director:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Scheu

Dr. Simone Pfeiffer
Büsgenweg 1
D 37077 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39 23909