Professor Dr. Andreas Pack
Research fields and current projects
- Origin of the Earth-Moon system
- Reconstruction of the ocean temperatures in the Archean and Proterozoic
- Triple oxygen isotope variations in terrestrial materials
- Understanding of processes and their chronology in the early Solar system (DFG-projects PA909/2-1, PA909/2-1 [DFG Emmy-Noether-Research Group], PA-909/7-1, PA-909/8-1)
- Determination of paleo-CO2 concentrations and global bioproduction rates throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic by means of triple oxygen isotope analyses of fossil bioapatite (DFG-project PA909/5-1)
- Thermodynamics of Si in metal solid solutions with application to the formation mechanisms of planetary cores
- Characterization of the oxygen triple isotope composition (δ17O, δ18O) of atmospheric CO2 and its sources - methodological development and application (DFG-project PA909/4-1)
- Determination of the isotope composition of stratospheric atomic oxygen using micrometeorites (shooting stars, DFG-projects PA909/2-1 und PA909/2-2, DFG Emmy-Noether-Research Group)
- Investigation of the origin of non-metallic inclusions in continuously cast steel (third party funding, steel industry)
- Sponges as proxy for the Si isotope composition of ocean water – analysis of δ29Si and δ30Si by means of laser fluorination
- Development and application of aerodynamic levitation in geo- and cosmochemisty (DFG-projects PA909/2-1, PA909/2-2, PA909/7-1, PA909/8-1)