Objective: AI-supported digitalization of soil surface structures in forests as a foundation for modeling and enhancing water retention in forests

In the progressing climate change, forest ecosystems in Central Europe must adapt to more
extreme conditions in water management: During the vegetation period, less precipitation
can be expected, while more heavy rainfall events are expected in winter. Forest soils play a
central role in the water management of our forests. However, anthropogenic influences such
as traffic, road construction, and drainage structures can significantly impair the water
storage or water absorption capacity of forest soils. Therefore, soil protection guidelines aim
to limit compaction due to traffic and incentive programs for natural climate protection in
forests encourage the dismantling of drainage ditches.
However, to date, there is no data basis for capturing the current situation, monitoring it, and
controlling laws, guidelines, and prioritizing funding measures. There is a research gap here
that needs to be addressed. This work aims to develop methods for capturing hydrologically
relevant, small-scale forest infrastructure using machine learning methods and airborne laser
scanners. This includes the development of an automated classification procedure,
determining the accuracy of the classification, capturing changes in small-scale forest
infrastructure, deriving navigable vector data, and hydrological modelling.
The data thus created is a prerequisite for the targeted use of methods to improve the
decentralized water retention of forests. This ensures that forest ecosystems receive the best
possible water supply and are strengthened, particularly in providing diverse ecosystem
services such as natural and decentralised flood and climate protection, as well as nature and
species conservation.


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