Personal details

Ariana Neitz studied economics from 2018-2023 at Leipzig University. She acquired her bachelor’s degree with her thesis on “Impact of Loneliness on Consumer Behaviour” at the Chair of Management Science/ Marketing.

During her studies, Ariana Neitz gained diverse practical experiences. As part of an internship, she gained insights into project management at the department strategic departmental programs at the DB AG in Frankfurt. In Leipzig, she worked as a working student in the field of marketing at the magazine urbanite of Urbanite Location Based Media GmbH und completed an internship at the marketing agency Remise 36 UG, also in marketing. Most recently, she was employed in event management at the StartRaum Göttingen GmbH.

Ariana Neitz studies Marketing and E-Business (M.Sc.) at Georg-August-University Göttingen since the winter term of 2022/23.

Since August 2023 is she employed as a student assistant at the Chair of Marketing and Retail Management.

Scope of responsibility:

  • General support