Offers for School Students

Get individual advice

If you have any questions about studying Iranian Studies, you are welcome to contact us. Our student advisors will be happy to answer your questions by email or arrange a consultation appointment for you.

Virtual study orientation

You can also gain a great deal of insight into the degree programme, the course content, and the atmosphere here via our virtual study orientation. There you can also find out about the requirements of the degree programme.

Early and trial studies

Iranian Studies participates in the university's early study and trial study programmes. Within this framework, you can attend individual courses before the start of your studies or even complete entire courses that can be credited towards your later studies.

Subject/seminar work in the Oberstufe

Would you like to write a subject paper or seminar paper in the field of Iranian studies? But you don't have enough literature or you don't quite know how to approach the topic? We might be able to help you: contact our student advisory service.

Social Media

By the way, we also have a Telegram channel on which we post information from the field of Iranian Studies and all about studying. Have a look!