Tuition fee

The tuition fee for the IP-IT Law LL.M. Program is 7,800 euros (€3900 per semester). Early applicants will receive a discount. Specifically, those who apply by 1 April will have to pay only 7,500 euros. Candidates applying by 1 January can save even more, as their tuition fee will be reduced to 7,200 euros.

Normally, the tuition fee has to be paid in advance, after you receive your study place offer. Only after we receive the payment, your admission will be final and you will be sent the official confirmation of admission. However, payment arrangements may be adjusted to fit some special cases. For example, if you are applying for a scholarship that covers tuition fees, the confirmation of the scholarship award can be accepted instead of the advance payment of the tuition fee.

Please use the following details for transferring the tuition fee:
Recipient: Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen
Recipient's address: Platz der Goettinger Sieben 6, 37073 Goettingen, Germany
Bank name: Norddeutsche Landesbank
Bank address: Friedrichswall 10, 30159 Hannover, Germany
IBAN: DE28 2505 0000 0106 0326 18
Purpose (or reference, remittance information, etc.): Your will receive your individual reference number after accepting the study place offer.

Student union contribution

In addition to the tuition fee, Program participants will have to pay a student union contribution (Semesterbeitrag) of around 400 euros per semester. This money contributes to financing student self-government and administering student social welfare, e.g. discounted meals in university cafeterias and cheap housing in dormitories. A large part of this contribution is allocated to enabling each student to use Göttingen city buses and trains in the whole Lower Saxony free of charge.


Each year Göttingen Law Faculty may award several scholarships amounting to partial or full tuition waivers to the best applicants. Separate applications are not required, since all LLM Program applicants are automatically considered for these scholarships if they indicate their interest on the Program application form.

In addition, prospective students may apply for scholarships offered by various foundations, companies and organizations. For example, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides various kinds of scholarships for foreign students wishing to study in Germany and for German students going to study abroad.

Cost of living

Each student's living expenses may differ depending on his or her lifestyle, accommodation size and location, eating preferences, etc. Therefore, your individual living expenses may be higher or lower than the average costs mentioned below.

As a starting point, it is worth noting that the state financial support scheme aimed at enabling German students to afford higher education irrespective of their means (BAföG) provides German students with up to 800 euros per month. This amount can be deemed sufficient to cover a student's living expenses, though certainly at a rather frugal level. In general, you can expect to pay 200 to 500 euros for accommodation, 200 to 300 euros for food, and 30 to 150 euros for mandatory health insurance.

Higher or lower accommodation costs can make big difference in the total living expenses. Therefore, it is recommended to start looking for a room or apartment as soon as possible. If you apply early, you can get a room in one of the student dormitories, which is usually the cheapest option. A dormitory room can cost around 200 euros per month or even less. By contrast, on the private market you are likely to pay around 300 euros for a room in a shared apartment or around 500 euros for a private apartment. This makes dormitory rooms very popular, so waiting lists are usually rather long. Consequently, it is best to apply for a dormitory room at least half a year before the beginning of your studies in Göttingen. An overview of all the university dormitories can be found at the website of the Studentenwerk Göttingen.