Possible subjects for theses
The following options for topic search exist:
After you have applied for a thesis at our chair and have been assigned a place, you can choose from a supporting list of topics (inspection at the secretary's office). The topics are based on the research focus of the respective supervisor (see below). In principle, all offered topics can be chosen for a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. Please note that we only provide the list of topics to students who have already been offered a place with us.
Otherwise, you could come up with own topic proposals. The latter must be developed and presented individually and should have a thematic relation to the main research areas of the Chair. According to that, please prepare a presentation of around one DIN A4 page (topic, what do you want to write, is it a research gap, will it be empirical or literature work, conception).
If you’re planning to write your thesis in cooperation with a company, you have to go through all formal steps of the registration process (listed above). Your final thesis must have a thematic reference to the research focus of the Chair of Retailing. Therefore, please contact a potential research assistant in time to discuss the preferred topic. The assessment of the thesis is done by the Chair of Marketing and Retail Management and has to fulfill empirical standards. It is not sufficient to coordinate the topic exclusively with the company.
To ensure an efficient support, it is necessary that you provide your responsible supervisor all documents at least two working days in advance, before the actual appointment occurs.
Research Topics
Dr. Vüsal Hasanzade: Determinants of ethical buying behaviour, sustainability in the retail sector, acceptance of new technologies in the retail sector
M.Sc. Fabian Reinkemeier: Voice user experience / relevance of voice assistants in the customer journey, acceptance of artificial intelligence in retailing
M.Sc. Judith Derenthal: Sustainability in retailing, Sustainable Packaging, Social Media
M.Sc. Denise Pape: Trading technologies, Augmented Reality in retailing, Smart Retail