White as Plaster? Plaster Casts and the Treatment of their Surface
Wissenschaftliche Fachtagung, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,
Archäologisches Institut und Sammlung der Gipsabgüsse, 13.−15. Oktober 2016
Thursday, 13 Oct. 2016
14:15 | Dr. Marie Luisa Allemeyer (Director of the Centre of Collection Development [Zentrale Kustodie] at Göttingen University) Welcome and opening remarks
14:30 | Dr. Daniel Graepler (archaeologist, curator), Archaeological Institute Goettingen, "250 Jahre wissenschaftliche Abguss-Sammlungen − 250 Jahre Probleme der Gipskonservierung: Einführung in das Tagungsthema und historischer Rückblick"
Reports from different university collections
15:00 | Dr. Jens-Arne Dickmann (archaeologist, curator), Universität Freiburg,
Dr. Dennis Graen (archaeologist, curator), Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena,
Henryk Löhr (archaeologist, curator), Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg,
Dr. Florian Müller (archaeologist, curator), Universität Innsbruck,
16:30 | coffee break
Dr. Hans Peter Müller (archaeologist, curator), Universität Leipzig,
Dr. Matthias Recke (archaeologist, curator), Universität Frankfurt,
Dr. Patrick Schollmeyer (archaeologist, curator), Universität Mainz,
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Winkler-Horacek (archaeologist, curator), Freie Universität Berlin,
19:30 | Tour of the cast collection Goettingen
20:30 | Reception in the collection Welcome address by Prof. Dr. Johannes Bergemann (Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and director of the Archaeological Institute Goettingen)
Friday, 14 Okt. 2016
Cleaning methods
09:00 | Thomas Schelper (mould maker & workshop manager), Gipsformerei, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin,
09:30 | Olaf Herzog (sculptor, restorer), Glyptothek München,
10:00 | Sönmez Alemdar (restorer), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen,
10:30 | Aurelia Badde (freelance restorer), Berlin,
11:00 | coffee break
11:30 | Rebecca Hast (Restauratorin), Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Kopenhagen,
12:00 | Sarah Healey-Dilkes (Senior sculpture conservator), Victoria and Albert Museum London,
12:30 | Charlotte Hubbard (Head of Sculpture Conservation), Victoria and Albert Museum London,
13:00 | lunch
14:30 | Jorun Ruppel (conservator-restorer), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,
15:00 | Ziegler, Horst (restorer), Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke München,
15:30 | coffee break
16:00 | Workshop: Practical demonstration of different cleaning methods for plaster
Saturday, 15 Okt. 2016
Restoration projects
09:00 | Elisabeth Manship (conservator-restorer), The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), Trevano,
09:30 | Roberto Amador Moscardó (conservator-restorer), Instituto Valenciano de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales, Valencia,
10:00 | Ángeles Solís Parra (conservator-restorer), Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando Madrid,
10:30 | Dr. des. Kerstin Grein (research associate), Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig,
11:00 | coffee break
11:30 | Grit Friedmann (conservator-restorer), Universität Leipzig, Institut für Klassische Archäologie,
12:00 | Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Splitter (archaeologist, curator), Barbara Häcker (conservator-restorer) Antikensammlung Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel,
12:30 | Final discussion
13:00 | End of the conference