Working Scientifically

Anne-Christelle Lago, MMM.

Target Audience:
Bachelor BWL
(Recommended for participants attending the Seminar Selected Questions in Consumer Research)

Course Language:

Learning Objective:
The seminar aims to prepare students for scientific writing including the preparation of seminar papers and theses. The course covers the various stages of scientific writing including how to narrow down a topic, research question formulation, finding and assessing relevant literature and proper structuring.

After attending the course students should be able to:

  • Be aware of the requirements needed for scientific writing
  • Be able to systematically construct their paper (finding a topic, problem formulation and structure)
  • Be able to search for literature efficiently
  • Be able to create scientific papers in an appropriate and formally correct style

Time and place:
Wednesday, 30.10.2024, 16:00 - 20:00, room: Oec. 0.167
Friday, 08.11.2024, 09:00 - 11:00, room: Oec. 0.168

None, BUT:
This course is especially recommended for participants of the bachelor seminar “Selected Topics in Consumer Research”. After attending the course, students will receive a certificate of participation, which they can hand in when applying for the bachelor thesis. The attendance of this course does not replace the advising process for thesis, seminar- and project papers.

Participants of the seminar “Selected Topics in Consumer Research” receive first preference. A registration list will be handed out during the introductory class of the seminar. Students who are writing their bachelor thesis with the Chair of Marketing (with focus on Consumer Behavior) will be favored when allocating the remaining places.

Please apply via e-mail to
The number of participants is limited to 25.
