Funding from equal opportunities funds

The Faculty of Business and Economics supports the compatibility of academic studies/research/work life, family and private life and therefore supports the research activities of academics through grants from the Faculty's equal opportunities funds.

Upon application, a grant of up to 500 euros per child (in addition to the University's Family Service grant) can be requested from the Faculty if the child is taken on a research or conference trip. The grant should not exceed a total of 1,000 euros per faculty member per year.

In addition, a grant for business and research trips, in particular trips abroad, can be applied for with the aim of promoting the careers of young female academics (doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers). The amount of such a grant is decided on a case-by-case basis by the Dean's Office in agreement with the decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer.

The Faculty's equal opportunities funding is limited. Funding is therefore only possible as long as funds are available.

Four female students are walking along a path on the Göttingen University campus and talking. They are wearing jackets and coats. Daytime shot.


Equal Opportunities Officer

Dorothee Konings

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3

37073 Göttingen

Room: Oec 2.146a

Tel. 0551 39-28807