Job description of an agricultural lawyer
Approximately 90 percent of the area of Germany is part of rural areas. About 70 percent of the total population of the Federal Republic of Germany is living there. The German agriculture, forestry and fishing industry as well as the upstream and downstream economic areas (the so-called agribusiness) achieved a production value of an estimated 405 billion euro in 2011. This corresponds to eight percent of the macroeconomic production value (Source: Deutscher Bauernverband, Situationsbericht 2012).
If you want to work as a lawyer within the field of rural areas, you must be familiar with the peculiarities of agricultural law / rural areas.
An focus on agricultural law during the studies serves as a basis: Lawyers with an agricultural law focus fulfill the range of all typical legal professions.
The field of activity of agricultural lawyers is characterized by the cross-sectional nature of agricultural law. Depending on the chosen focus, it can cover both civil law and public law work areas.
For example:
Im Zivilrecht
- Tierkauf, insbesondere Gewährleistungsrechte; Schadensersatz; Tierschutz
- Tierhalterhaftung
- Verkehrssicherungspflichten
- Produkthaftung
- Das landwirtschaftliche Eigentumsrecht
- Grundstücksverkehrsrecht
- Landwirtschaftliches Pachtrecht
- Beschränkt dingliche Nutzungsrechte
- Grundbuchrecht
- Mobiliarsicherheiten
- Familienrecht
- Erbrecht
- Arbeitsrecht
Im Öffentlichen Recht
- Immissionsschutz
- Planungsrecht
- Bodenschutz
- Abfallrecht
- Naturschutzrecht
- Gefahrstoffrecht
- Recht der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebsmittel
- Lebensmittelrecht
- Gentechnikrecht
- Sozialrecht