Teaching collection
The teaching collection of the Pre- and Protohistoric Department
The teaching collection of Prehistoric Archeology was established at the University together with the inauguration of the discipline of Pre- and Protohistory in 1929. Since then the teaching collection has been essential for the academic education in such an object-related science, which deals explicitly with material culture. The foundation of the collection was laid by objects on permanent loan from the Provincial Museum of Hanover. These were mainly pieces of non-Hanoverian provenance and duplicates. The first prehistoric objects, however, came in possession of the university as early as the beginning of the 19th century, at the time of the “Royal Academic Museum”. When, in the second half of the 19th century, the stocks of this museum were divided between the institutes and departments of the university, many of the objects came to Hanover, from where the teaching collection was founded more than 80 years ago. In 1967, the collection significantly expanded once again by another donation on permanent loan, this time from the Brunswick State Museum of Wolfenbüttel. Today there is no significant addition to the collection. The teaching collection currently includes approximately 8.450 inventory numbers and allows a good overview of the prehistory and protohistory of Central Europe. It is mainly used in teaching and because of cramped confines not accessible to the public. Nevertheless, some showcases in the corridors of the department can give a little insight into the diversity of our teaching collection.
History of the collection:
Karl-Heinz Willroth, Die Sammlung des Seminars für Ur- und Frühgeschichte in: Dietrich Hoffmann; Kathrin Maack-Rheinländer (Ed.), "Ganz für das Studium angelegt": Die Museen, Sammlungen und Gärten der Universität Göttingen (Göttingen 2001) S. 49-54
Gernot Jacob-Friesen; Hans-Georg Stephan, Die Lehrsammlung des Seminars für Ur- und Frühgeschichte. In: G. Beuermann et al. (Ed.), 250 Jahre Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Ausstellung im Auditorium 19. Mai-12. Juli 1987 (Göttingen 1987) 190-205.
Karl Hermann Jacob-Friesen, Die vorgeschichtliche Sammlung der Universität Göttingen. Nachrichtenblatt für deutsche Vorzeit 6, 1930, 99-102.
Special objects of the collection:
Thomas Saile, Bohemica aus der Sammlung des Göttinger Seminars für Ur- und Frühgeschichte - zu einer ältestbandkeramischen Siedlung in Nordböhmen. Neue Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Niedersachsen 21, 1999, 137-142.
Gernot Jacob-Friesen, Ein Bronzeschwert von Bornholm als Geschenk Friedrich Münters an die Georgia Augusta. Neue Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Niedersachsen 19, 1991, 121-147.
Hans-Georg Stephan, Bronze- und eisenzeitliche Funde aus Mittelitalien in der Sammlung des Seminars für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Göttingen. Die Kunde N.F. 37, 1986, 197-228.
Christian Pescheck, Originale in der Sammlung des Seminars für Ur- und Frühgeschichte an der Universität Göttingen. Germania 28, 1944-1950 (1950), 21-25.
Karl Hermann Jacob-Friesen, Bericht über die Ausgestaltung des vorgeschichtlichen Seminars zu Göttingen vom 1. IV. 1931 bis 31. III. 1935. Nachrichtenblatt für deutsche Vorzeit 10, 1934, 248-250.
Kurt Tackenberg, Böhmische Funde im vorgeschichtlichen Institut der Universität Göttingen. Sudeta 8, 1932, 31-34.