Subprojects “Holocene dynamics of tropical montane rainforest, climate, fire, human impact and land use in Sulawesi, Indonesia” (Prof. Hermann Behling) “Ecosystem services in cacao agroforestry: predation by birds, bats and ants on spiders and insect herbivores” (Prof. Teja Tscharntke, Dr. Yann Clough) “Elevational patterns in tree diversity of tropical montane rain forests with different soil nutrient conditions in Sulawesi, Indonesia” (Prof. Dr. Christoph Leuschner, Dr. Heike Culmsee) “Shade trees in cacao agroforestry systems: influence on roots and net primary production” (Dr. Dietrich Hertel) “Shade Trees in Cacao Agroforestry Systems: Influence on Water Resource Use” (Prof. Dirk Hoelscher) “Vulnerability of the carbon and water cycles in primary rainforest and agroforestry ecosystems in Indonesia to Climate Change” (Prof. Alexander Knohl, Dr. Oleg Panferov) “Integrated modelling of land-use changes at rainforest margins in Indonesia” (Prof. Kerstin Wiegand, Prof. Jann Lay, Dr. Katrin Meyer)