
Kloos, S., Klosterhalfen, A., Knohl, A. & Menzel, A. (2024). ​Decoding autumn phenology: Unraveling the link between observation methods and detected environmental cues. Global Change Biology, 30(3), e17231. doi: 10.1111/gcb.17231

Graf A, Wohlfahrt G, Aranda-Barranco S, ..., Klosterhalfen A, Knohl A, ... & Vereecken H (2023). ​Joint optimization of land carbon uptake and albedo can help achieve moderate instantaneous and long-term cooling effects. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 298. doi: 10.1038/s43247-023-00958-4

Montero D, Aybar C, Mahecha MD, Martinuzzi F, Söchting M, Wieneke S. (2023). A standardized catalogue of spectral indices to advance the use of remote sensing in Earth system research. Scientific Data, 10(1), 197 doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02096-0

Donfack LS, Schall P, Mund M, Knohl A, Ammer C. (2022). Effects of competition reduction on intra-annual radial growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) at stem base and crown base. Trees, 1-3. doi: 10.1007/s00468-022-02360-7

Fu Z, Ciais P, Makowski D, Bastos A, Stoy PC, Ibrom A, Knohl A, … & Wigneron J-P. (2022). Uncovering the critical soil moisture thresholds of plant water stress for European ecosystems. Global Change Biology 28, 2111-2123.
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Montero D, Aybar C, Mahecha MD, Wieneke S. (2022). Spectral: Awesome Spectral Indices deployed via the Google Earth Engine JavaScript API. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information. Sciences: XLVIII-4 (W1-2022), 301-306. doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W1-2022-301-2022

Yu X, Orth R, Reichstein M, Bahn M, Klosterhalfen A, Knohl A, ... & Bastos A. (2022). Contrasting drought legacy effects on gross primary productivity in a mixed versus pure beech forest. Biogeosciences, doi: 19(17), 4315-4329

Abstracts/mündliche Präsentation
Koebsch, F., Klosterhalfen, A., Emad, A., Mund, M., Ammer, C., Dietenberger, S., Donfack, L., Heidenreich, M., Mueller, M.M., Seidel, D., Thiel, C., Tiedemann, F., Knohl, A.:
Dynamics in CO2 uptake, growth, and mortality of an old-growth temperate forest under drought stress, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-15114,, 2024

Mund, M., Koebsch, F., Klosterhalfen, A., Montero, D., Donfack, L., Heidenreich, M., Thiel, C., Dietenberger, S., Markwitz, C., Rüter, M., Tiedemann, F., Knohl, A.: Anpassung und Veränderung – der Nationalpark Hainich im Klimawandel, Tagung Wildnis im Dialog –„Wildnis und Klima” 2023, Bad Langensalza, 14 June 2023hl
Koebsch, F., Mund, M., Klosterhalfen, A., Montero, D., Donfack, L., Heidenreich, M., Thiel, C., Dietenberger, S., Markwitz, C., Tiedemann, F., Knohl, A.: Stressreaktion und natürliche Waldumbauprozesse im Zuge des Dürresommers 2018: eine multiskalige Studie aus dem Nationalpark Hainich, Wissenschaftliche Buchentagung 2023 (WiBuTa), 10-11 May 2023, Würzburg, Germany (presenter: A. Knohl)

Klosterhalfen, A., Fellert, D., Koebsch, F., Kreilein, H., Markwitz, C., Mund, M., Peksa, M., Tiedemann, F., Tunsch, E., and Knohl, A.: Analysis of a 23-years Long Eddy-covariance Fluxes Dataset from a Mixed Deciduous Forest in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13689,, 2023

Koebsch, F., Mund, M., Klosterhalfen, A., Montero, D., Donfack, L., Heidenreich, M., Thiel, C., Dietenberger, S., Markwitz, C., Tiedemann, F., Knohl, A.: Stress response and transformation processes initiated by the summer drought 2018 a multi scale study from the Hainich forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14520,

Knohl A., Koebsch, F., Klosterhalfen, A., Mund, M., Ammer, C., Markwitz, C.,: Response and recovery of fluxes and tree growth to the drought and heat events in 2018 und 2019 at an unmanaged old growth beech forest. TERENO Workshop 2022: From Observations to Modelling. Garmisch Partenkirchen (Germany). 8-10 Nov 2022

Koebsch, F., Mund, M., Ammer, C., Klosterhalfen, A., Markwitz, C., Knohl, A.: The winner takes it all? Single tree growth response to explain forest CO2 uptake dynamics in the wake of drought events. ICOS Science Conference. Utrecht, Netherlands, 13-15 Sept 2022 (presenter: A. Knohl)

Montero, D., Mahecha, M., Teber, K., Knohl, A., Wieneke, S.: Sentinel-2 potential for Gross Primary Production estimation in forests by considering memory effects. Living Planet Symposium 2022. Bonn (Germany). 23-27 May 2022