Good Scientific Practice
Target group:PhD students of the GGG, other PhD students if free places are available
Schedule: 19.10.2017 - 20.10. 2017 (09:30-16:30)
Historische Sternwarte (Tagungszentrum) / Historical Observatory (Conference Centre), Geismar Landstraße 11
Großer Seminarraum
Available seats: 16
Course language: English
Teacher: Dr. Michael Gommel
Seminars objectives:
The major objective of the course "Good Scientific Practice" is to know and understand the basic rules and values of the responsible conduct of research in all its stages, according to local, national and international regulations and guidelines. The participants will explore the differences and grey areas between good scientific practice, questionable research practice and scientific misconduct. They will learn how misconduct can be recognized and prevented, and how it should be addressed and dealt with in case it occurs, and what damage it can cause if handled improperly. The participants will learn to develop appropriate solutions for difficult situations in the process of science. They are encouraged to speak with colleagues and the appropriate institutions about mistakes and problems.
Credits: 1 Credit
Demands: Active participation, case study discussion
Application starts 14.08.2017.
Application only via:
Contact for more information: Serena Müller, Phone: +551 39-20449
This course is organized by the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG).