
Biologische Prozesse müssen den Gesetzen der Physik befolgen, unterliegen aber ausserdem auch funktionalen Bedingungen und Kräften der Evolution. Wir interessieren uns dafür, wie biologische Funktionen im Rahmen der physikalischen Zwangsbedingungen implementiert sind. Dafür entwickeln wir Methoden, um komplexe Regulationssysteme und deren Wechselwirkung mit ihrem zellulären Kontext theoretisch zu beschreiben. Im Zentrum unseres Interesses stehen molekulare Maschinen, Genregulation und Zellwachstum sowie Zellbewegungen.

Aktive Materie und Motilität

Many biological systems are driven by a coupling to an internal driving force (eventually fueled by a metabolism), which gives rise to active behaviors such as self-propulsion and growth. Self-propulsion poses a number of interesting questions such as: How do self-propelled particles (e.g. cells, but also micro-robots) navigate complex environments? How can they be controlled? What collective behaviors emerge in systems of many such particles? What is the interplay of activity and density of particles? Our work in this area focuses in particular on magnetotaxis in magnetotactic bacteria and on self-propelled filaments.


Stochastische Dynamik in Zellen

Many biological processes are inherently stochastic. We are interested in how stochasticity shapes the material properties and the function of biologic systems beyond acting as a perturbation. Our interest is in specific systems as well as general questions, e.g. related to the coarse-graining of stochastic dynamics.


Genregulation, Zellwachstum und Populationsdynamik

Many cellular processes, in particular gene expression, are coupled to cell growth. This coupling gives rise to interesting problems related to the control of gene expression and often results in complex population dynamics with heterogeneous populations
