Veranstaltungen & Symposia
Das Spätwerk Boccaccios: Le Esposizioni sopra la Comedia - Internationale Tagung (18.-20.10.2023)
„Dante lesen – deutsche Beiträge aus 200 Jahren“ - 97. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft (22.-24.10.2021)
Das Programm zum „Convegno internazionale di studi in occasione del VII centenario della morte di Dante Alighieri" finden Sie hier: programma Dante e Bologna
Zum Tagungsplakat
Tagungsband: (2022)
Dante e Bologna. Istituzioni, convergenze e saperi, hrsg. von Armando Antonelli & Franziska Meier. Bologna: Pozzi.
„Dante‘s Convivio and the Evolution of Encyclopedism in the 13th and 14th Century" (16.-18.10.2019)
„Inventing the Good Life. How Italy Shaped Early Modern Moral Culture. An Exploration of the Ethica Section in Wolfenbüttel International Conference" - Internationale Tagung (18.-20.10.2018)
Informationen zur Tagung
Italy had an immense influence on the social and cultural life of early modern Europe. Our conference “Inventing the Good Life. How Italy Shaped Early Modern Moral Culture” (Wolfenbüttel, 18-20 October 2018) will look at the moral imprint of this influence, using a special lens: the Ethica section in Wolfenbüttel. It will discuss the section’s wealth of literature on ethics and its Italian influence along three lines of argument: How did early modern Italian literature contribute to a new ‘informal’ ethics, imparting moral lessons in a non-systematic way? How did its renewed emphasis on the cultivation of virtues change the moral dynamics of early modern Europe? Which role did ethics and morality play in the transmission and translation processes involved in its proliferation?
Italy had an immense influence on the social and cultural life of early modern Europe. Our conference “Inventing the Good Life. How Italy Shaped Early Modern Moral Culture” (Wolfenbüttel, 18-20 October 2018) will look at the moral imprint of this influence, using a special lens: the Ethica section in Wolfenbüttel. It will discuss the section’s wealth of literature on ethics and its Italian influence along three lines of argument: How did early modern Italian literature contribute to a new ‘informal’ ethics, imparting moral lessons in a non-systematic way? How did its renewed emphasis on the cultivation of virtues change the moral dynamics of early modern Europe? Which role did ethics and morality play in the transmission and translation processes involved in its proliferation?
Workshop „Dante and Moral Orientation. Questions on Poetry, Literature, and Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Culture" (19.-20.10.2017)
Ringvorlesung "Dante-Rezeption nach 1800" - Öffentliche Vortragsreihe der Abteilung Komparatistik des Seminars für Deutsche Philologie (WiSe 16/17)
„Dante Alighieri - Quo Vadis? Neue Perspektiven im Dialog der Disziplinen" (27.-29.05.2015)
„Umbriferi Prefazi - Die Wiederentdeckung des Schattens in Mittelalter und Renaissance" (03.-05.07.2015)
„Il Convivio - Dantes radikaler Neuanfang im Exil" (28.-31.04.2013)