Dr. Artur Bogner
Dr Artur
Bogner has previously been research associate at the University of Bayreuth,
Department of Development Sociology. He holds a doctor degree (social sciences)
and a Diplom (sociology) from the
University of Bielefeld. Earlier he was research associate and lecturer at the
universities of Bielefeld and Essen, and research coordinator and researcher at
the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Publications on
sociological theory, conflict analysis and post-conflict peacebuilding in
Africa, world food and Portugal's colonial war in Africa. At Bayreuth he participated
in a project on former child soldiers in Acholiland and in another on post-war
development in West Nile (both in northern Uganda). More recent publications were
on post-conflict processes, armed conflicts, violence and conflict reduction in
Africa, especially Ghana and Uganda; as joint editor and co-author with
Gabriele Rosenthal: Child Soldiers in Context: Biographies, Familial and
Collective Trajectories in Northern Uganda, 2020; Biographies in the
Global South: Life Stories Embedded in Figurations and Discourses, 2017; Ethnicity, Belonging and Biography, 2009.
He is author of Zivilisation und
Rationalisierung [Civilisation and rationalization], 1989, and 'Gewaltkonflikte und der
Wandel sozialer Fremdheit in Nordghana' [Armed conflicts and changes of
otherness in northern Ghana], in: Herfried Münkler (ed.), Die Herausforderung durch das Fremde,
1998; joint editor with Bernd Holtwick and Hartmann Tyrell of: Weltmission und religiöse Organisationen
[World mission
and religious organizations], 2004, and with Stephen Mennell of:
Civilisations, Civilising Processes and Modernity — A Debate