Digital Health Research Group (DHRG)

Team IM 2


Headed by Dr. Maike Greve, the Digital Health Research Group (DHRG) is an interdisciplinary research team that draws from the fields of business information systems, economics, statistics, and data science to investigate topics related to healthcare information systems. In this regard, the research group focuses on developing innovative solutions to help guide the rapidly evolving healthcare industry towards improved capabilities via digital means. The DHRG collaborates with several industry and governmental partners, including its status as a research partner in the EU funded pioneer project "WHO-PEN@Scale". Furthermore, we also participate in industry projects, for instance, applying artificial intelligence approaches to analyze medical reports in cooperation with the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG). Similarly, in a strategic partnership with the Rezeptprüfstelle Duderstadt (RPD), we examine innovative potentials of machine learning algorithms in the field of medical business processes. This includes the explorative analysis of big process data sets, the implementation of innovative IT artifacts, and the derivation and evaluation of new data-driven business models.

Dr. Maike Greve
Head of Digital Health Research Group (DHRG)

Current Projects & News


KISSKI aims to develop tailored AI-as-a-Service solutions to address the increasing demands in the field of artificial intelligence, especially concerning medical and energy-related infrastructures…



MITMed aims to develop a hybrid interaction system that complements video-based psychotherapy in situations where face-to-face contact is not possible. The system will...



AuMEDa aims to create a platform for automated information and feature extraction from paper-based medical documents by using different technology stacks...



In the global context, tuberculosis remains one of the deadliest diseases. Hereby, effectiveness of possible treatment is highly dependent on timely detection.…


Core competences and fields of application of the DHRG

The core competence of the DHRG is focused on the user-oriented evaluation of new technologies and concepts. Thus, our primary objectives include the development and testing of innovations, and the creation of business models and information systems regarding intelligent, effective and efficient healthcare. We pursue the collaborative development of scientific publications by working in an interdisciplinary research environment within these areas of research and application in order to exchange knowledge within both the scientific and practitioner communities.

  • Development and experimental testing of digital health solutions and business models.
  • Acceptance research regarding new healthcare information systems (via user surveys or methodical analysis, e.g. structural equation modeling).
  • Development of information systems in the context of healthcare and well-being (such as online platforms and mobile applications).
  • Application of data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence to derive health-related information and knowledge from data.

Research projects



Excerpt of research papers

  • Greve, M.; Gantner, M.; Harnischmacher, C.; Brendel, A.B.; Kolbe, L.M. (2021): Framing Research Questions Intersecting Information Systems and Health: A New Research Perspective at Micro- and Macro-Level, Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021, pp. 1-10.
  • Greve, M.; Lembcke, T.-B.; Diederich, S.; Brendel, A.B.; Kolbe, L. (2020): Healthy by App – Towards a Taxonomy of Mobile Health Applications, Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Dubai, UAE.
  • Greve, M.; Lichtenberg, S.; Diederich, S.; Brendel, A.B. (2020): Supporting Non-Communicable Disease Prevention through a mHealth Application in Decentralized Healthcare Systems: Action Design Research in Eswatini, Proceedings of European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Lichtenberg, S.; Greve, M.; Brendel, A.B.; Kolbe, L.M. (2019): Towards the Design of a Mobile Application to Support Decentralized Healthcare in Developing Countries – The Case of Diabetes Care in eSwatini, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Mexico.
  • Tofangchi, S.; Hanelt, A.; Böhrnsen, F. (2017): Distributed Cognitive Expert Systems in Cancer Data Analytics: A Decision Support System for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. International Conference on Information Systems.


Universität Göttingen
Professur für Informationsmanagement
Digital Health Research Group (DHRG)
Dr. Maike Greve
MZG 8th Floor
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
+49 (0)551 / 39-21172