- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/ German Research Foundation (Institution)
- Österreichischer Wissenschaftsfond (FWF)/ Austrian Research Fund (Institution)
- Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG)/ Austrian Research Foundation (Institution)
- Nature (Springer)
- Nature Ecology and Evolution (Springer)
- Ecology and Evolution (Wiley)
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (Elsevier)
- Forest Ecology and Management (Elsevier)
- Biosystems Engineering (Elsevier)
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (Elsevier)
- Remote Sensing (MDPI)
- Sensors (MDPI)
- Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Wiley Online Library)
- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Elsevier)
- Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (Science Direct)
- Forests (MDPI)
- Optics Express (OSA Publishing)
- Journal of Remote Sensing Technology (Bowen Publishing)
- International Journal of Agricultural Sciences (BioInfo Publication)
- Science of the total environment (Elsevier)
- Trees- Structure and function (Springer Verlag)
- iForest- Biogeoscience and Forestry (SISEF)
- Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research (Oxford University Press)
- European Journal of Remote Sensing (AIT)
- Scandinavien Journal of Forest Research (Taylor and Francis)
- Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation
- European Journal of Forest Research (Springer)
- Journal of Applied Vegetation Science
- Interface Focus (Royal Society)
- Urban Forestry and Urban Greening (Elsevier)
- Carbon Management (Taylor and Francis)
- Forest Systems (INIA)
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