Publications, events and news


  • Sabatier, R., Meyer, K.M., Wiegand, K. & Clough, Y. (2013) Non-linear effects of pesticide application on biodiversity-driven ecosystem services and disservices in a cacao agroecosystem: a modeling study. Basic and Applied Ecology, 14, 115-125.
  • Sabatier R., Wiegand K., Meyer K. (2013) Effects of two extreme types of management strategies on production and robustness of a Cacao agroecosystem. PLoS One, 8(12): e80352. DOI

Master thesis

  • Hess, B. (2013) Extreme shifts in rattan yield with increasing harvesting intensity revealed with a simulation model. MSc thesis.
  • Spangenberg, A. (2013) Linking insecticide treatment and cacao yield - Investigation of the effects of Chlorpyrifos 400 g on pollination and pests of Theobroma cacao in Central Sulawesi. MSc thesis.
