Studies of mission

Ya Periodicals, series, reference works, collected volumes

1-199 Periodicals
200-500 Series, annuals
500-599 Lexicons
600-699 Bibliographies
700-899 Mission statistics
800-899 Atlases
1000 ff Collected works

Yb History of mission
1-299 Complete overviews
300 ff Individual epochs

Yc Mission societies (history and activities)

Yd Mission conferences

Ye Individual mission areas
(historical, cultural, business problems, description of mission activities)
1-499 Africa
500-999 Asia
500-599 Middle East
600-699 India, Ceylon
700-799 China
800-899 Japan
900-999 South Pacific
1000 ff America

Yf descriptions of life by the missionaries
1-99 Collections
100 ff Individual missionaries

Yg Mission difficulties
1-99 Theory of mission
100-199 Mission and theology
200-299 Mission and ecclesiastical practice
300-500 Dispute with the Catholicism and other religions
500-599 Mission and politics
600 ff Mission and race issues