Workshop Program
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Day 1: October 11, 2021
Welcome (Sarah Langlotz)
Plenary I
Title: Innovations in Conflict and Migration Research
Rana Cömertpay
(with Luisito Bertinelli and Jean-François Maystadt)
Refugee, Diversity and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
André Gröger
(with Gianmarco León-Ciliotta and Steven Stilman)
Immigration, Labor Markets and Discrimination: Evidence from the Venezuelan Exodus in Perú
Lamis Saleh
(with Elisa Fraile Aranda, Nora El-Bialy, Andreas Nicklisch, and Stefan Voigt)
Expect the Worst and You Will Never be Disappointed - The Effects of War Experience on Prosocial Behavior and Punishment among Syrian Refugees
Virtual Coffee Break
Lunch Break
Parallel I
A.1 Migrants, Refugees, and Attitudes
Oguzhan Turkoglu
Security Concerns, Ethnic Relations, and Attitudes toward Refugees
Sarah Schneider-Strawczynski
Hosting Refugees and Voting for the Far-Right: Evidence from France
Stephanie Zonszein
(with Gemma Dipoppa and Guy Grossman)
Locked Down, Lashing Out: Situational Triggers and Hateful Behavior Towards Minority Ethnic Immigrants
B.1 Migrants, Refugees, and Crime
Aysegul Kayaoglu
Do Refugees Cause Crime?
Christian Ambrosius
Violent Crime and the Long Shadow of Immigration Enforcement: Evidence from Mexico
Clotilde Mahé
(with Sergio Parra-Cely)
Panic? Probing Angst over Immigration and Crime
C.1 Child Welfare, Health, and Cognition
Annina Hittmeyer
(with Marta Favara, Catherine Porter, Saurabh Singhal and Tassew Woldehanna)
In the Shadow of Conflict: Estimating the Impact of Civil Unrest in the Tigray Region on Ethiopian Young People’s Mental Health Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression
Hyuk Harry Son
(with Heidi Kaila and Larissa Nawo)
Unpacking the Links between Conflict and Child Welfare: Evidence from a Foreign Insurgency
Philip Verwimp
Early-Childhood Exposure to Civil War and Teenage Cognitive Development
D.1 Pathways to Peace
Juan P. Aparicio
(with Michael Jetter and Christopher Parsons)
For FARC's Sake: Demobilizing the Oldest Guerrilla in Modern History
Roberto Nisticò
(with Vincenzo Bove, Jessica Di Salvatore and Leandro Elia)
Conflict, Fertility and the Impact of Peacekeeping
Federico Ceballos Sierra
Incomplete Peace: Unintended Consequences of Partial Conflict Resolution in Multilateral Conflicts
Virtual Coffee Break
Title: The Refugee’s Dilemma: Evidence from Jewish Migration out of Nazi Germany
Keynote Speaker: Mathias Thoenig (University of Lausanne)
Virtual Coffee Break
Parallel II
A.2 Leaving, Returning, and How Return Affects Conflict
Jana Kuhnt
(with Constantin Ruhe)
Who intends to Leave? Global Survey Evidence How Individual Migration Intentions Differ between Conflict-affected and Peaceful Contexts
Peter Onah Thompson
(with Jonathan Hall and James Igoe Walsh)
Reversing Exodus: Information, Stress, and Voluntary Return Intentions of Displaced Persons
Christopher Blair
(with Austin L. Wright)
Refugee Return and Conflict: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
B.2 Conflict, Displacement, and Gender
Caroline Krafft
(with Ragui Assaad and Isabel Pastoor)
Gender Role Attitudes and Gendered Outcomes: Syrian Refugee Adolescents in Jordan
Elodie Douarin
(with Julie Litchfield and Fatlinda Gashi)
Angry Men and Civic Women? Gendered Effects of Conflict on Political Participation
C.2 Long-term Effects of Conflicts
Bruno Caprettini
(with Hans-Joachim Voth)
New Deal, New Patriots: How 1930s Welfare Spending Boosted the War Effort during WW II
Felipe Valencia Caicedo
(with Juan Felipe Riaño)
Collateral Damage: The Legacy of the Secret War in Laos
Mevlude Akbulut-Yuksel
(with Dozie Okoye and Belgi Turan)
The Long Shadow of PKK Conflict on Children’s Outcomes in Turkey
D.2 Property Rights, Borders, and Ethnicity
Sigrid Weber
(with Alexandra Hartman)
Unequal Property Rights and Post-Conflict Recovery: Evidence from IDP Return Movements in Iraq
Fabien Cottier
(with Jean-Louis Lognon)
Local Determinants of Nativist Violence in Côte d’Ivoire
Juan Carlos Muñoz-Mora
(with Lukas Kleine-Rueschkamp)
Strategic Expropriation and Civil War: Evidence from Colombia
E.2 Political Violence
Paul Schaudt
(with Martin Gassebner and Melvin H. L. Wong)
Armed Groups in Conflict: Competition and Political Violence
Sacha Kapoor
(with Arvind Magesan)
Regionalism and Tribal Insecurity in India
Ben Crost
(with Patricia Justino and Ana Maria Ibanez)
Temporary Economic Shocks and Civil Conflict: Evidence from a Seasonal Fishing Ban
Virtual Coffee Break
Day 2: October 12, 2021
Introduction to HiCN (Tilman Brück, Patricia Justino, and Philip Verwimp)
Parallel III
A.3 Displacement, Counterinsurgency, and Health
Abu Siddique
(with Asad Islam, Tanvir Ahmed Mozumder, Tabassum Rahman and Tanvir Shatil)
Forced Displacement, Mental Health, and Child Development: Evidence from the Rohingya Refugees
Samuel Lordemus
(with Noemi Kreif and Rodrigo Moreno-Serra)
Public Healthcare Financing During Counterinsurgency Efforts: Evidence from Colombia
Jean-François Maystadt
(with Olivier Dagnelie and Anna-Maria Mayda)
Refugees, Child Health and Malaria Transmission in Africa
B.3 IDPs, Trust, and Social Cohesion
Abbey Steele
(with Alejandra Ortiz Ayala)
IDPs, Migrants and Social Cohesion in Rural Colombia
Matteo Sestito
Identity conflict, ethnocentrism and social cohesion
Marco Alfano
(with Gabriel Aboyadana)
Perceived Temperature, Trust and Civil Unrest in Africa
C.3 Conflict and Economic Activity
Arzu Kibris
(with Phillip Nelson)
Individual Exposure to Armed Conflict and Entrepreneurship
Ivan Lopez Cruz
(with Gustavo Torrens)
Hidden Drivers of Violence Diffusion: Evidence from Illegal Oil Siphoning in Mexico
Alina Greiner
How Civil War Disempowers Women: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire
D.3 External Shocks
Phoebe Ishak
Murder Nature: Weather and Violent Crime in Brazil
Tobias Hellmundt
(with Elías Cisneros and Krisztina Kis-Katos)
Palm Oil Expansion and Local Conflict in Indonesia
Tobias Korn
(with Henry Stemmler)
Your Pain, My Gain?
Virtual Coffee Break
Lunch Break
Parallel IV
A.4 Social Cohesion, Peacebuilding, and Support for Democracy
Carlos Vargas-Silva
(with Isabel Ruiz)
Refugee Return and Social Cohesion
Laia Balcells
(with Juan Tellez)
Displacement, Social Conflict, and Peacebuilding in Colombia
Thomas Calvo
(with Emmanuelle Lavallée, Mireille Razafindrakoto, François Roubaud and Arouna Sougane)
Army Arrangement? Armed Conflict and Support for Democracy in Mali
B.4 Aid, Conflict, and Migration
Lennart Kaplan
(with Kai Gehring and Melvin H. L. Wong)
China and the World Bank: How Contrasting Development Approaches Affect the Stability of African States
Lennart Reiners
(with Elías Cisneros, Krisztina Kis-Katos and Jan Priebe)
Cash Transfers and Conflict in Indonesia
Mauro Lanati
(with Marco Sanfilippo and Filippo Santi)
Aid and Internal Migration in Malawi
C.4 Land Conflicts
Lisa Murken
(with Kati Krähnert, Gregor Mager, Rahel Laudien and Christoph Gornott)
The Influence of Land Conflicts on Farmers’ Perceived Tenure Security and Title Acquisition – Evidence from Tanzania
Ulrich Eberle
Damned by Dams? Infrastructure and Conflict
Camille Laville
Keep Off the Grass: Grassland Scarcity and the Security Implications of Cross-Border Transhumance Between Niger and Nigeria
D.4. Terrorism
Amit Loewenthal
(with Sami H. Miaari and Anke Hoeffler)
Aid and Radicalization: The Case of Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza
Julian Wucherpfennig
(with Sergi Pardos-Prado and Sara M.T. Polo)
Border Walls and Terrorism
Nicole Stoelinga
Living in the Caliphate: The Impact of Exposure to Boko Haram's Ideology on School Attendance
Virtual Coffee Break
Plenary II
Moderated Discussions With the Speakers from Plenary II
Plenary III
Goodbye (Sarah Langlotz)