Workshop: "Language processing and representation (LangProRep): Scottish-German perspectives"
Die Abteilung Germanistische Linguistik richtet an der schottischen Universität Dundee den Workshop: "Language processing und representation (LangProRep): Scottish-German perspectives" aus. Ziel dieses Workshops ist ein gemeinsamer Austausch zur aktuellen Forschungslage sowie der Ausbau bestehender Kollaborationen zwischen Forschern aus Göttingen und Schottland zu Sprach- und Diskursrepräsentationen.
invited talks: 45min + 15min discussion
talks: 20min + 10min discussion
Friday 7th February:
Session 1: Katja Suckow (chair)
10.15h - 10.30h Welcome and coffee
10.30h - 11.30h invited talk: Christoph Scheepers (University of Glasgow)
A rational account of verb-final sentence processing
11.30h - 12.00h talk: Agnieska Konopka (University of Aberdeen)
Do L1 and L2 speakers make different types of memory errors?
12.00h - 13.30h lunch break
Session 2: Roger van Gompel (chair)
13.30h - 14.00h talk: Vera Kempe, Williams, G. & Panayotov (University of Abertay, Dundee)
Effects of Dialect Cues and Dialect Writing on Artificial Literacy Learning
14.00h - 15.00h invited talk: Clare Patterson (University of Cologne)
Prominence in German pronouns
15.00h - 15.30h coffee break and discussion
Session 3: Melanie Göbel-Hoffmann (chair)
15.30h - 16.00h talk: Kumiko Fukumura (University of Stirling)
Avoiding gender ambiguous pronouns: A cross-linguistic study
16.00h - 16.30h talk: Joost Rommers (University of Aberdeen)
Lingering word expectations in memory
16.30h - 17.00h Discussion
Saturday 8th February:
Session 4: Katja Suckow (chair)
10.15h - 10.30h Welcome and coffee
10.30h - 11.00h talk: Melissa Thye and Daniel Mirman (University of Edinburgh)
Using intracranial EEG to measure the neural dynamics of language processing
11.00h - 11.30h talk: Yuki Kamide (University of Dundee)
Ageing and prediction
11.30h - 12.00h talk: Clara Cohen (Univeristy of Glasgow)
Just to be safe: The use of redundant phonetic information in speech perception
12.00h - 13.30h lunch break
Session 5: Roger van Gompel (chair)
13.30h - 14.30h invited talk: Patrick Sturt (University of Edinburgh)
Integration of information in reading
14.30h - 15.00h coffee and tea break
Session 6: Clare Patterson (chair)
15.00h - 15.30h talk: Jack Taylor (University of Glasgow)
Sensitivity to Top-Down Modulation in the Early Processing of Visual Wordforms
15.30h - 16.00h talk: Alissa Melinger (University of Dundee)
Distinguishin dialects from languages
16.00h - 17.00h Discussion