In publica commoda

Welcome Week & Prämierungsfeier 2024

The University of Göttingen welcomes 36 new trainees

On September 15, 2020, the University's new apprentices were warmly welcomed by Christine Weinrich, Head of the Department of Human Resources Administration and Development, as part of the Welcome Day.

This years Welcome Day - with the motto - "From trainees to trainees" was co-designed and carried out by second and third year trainees. Stefanie Letschkowski gave an insight into the structure of the university and Amin Karbali explained the university's IT infrastructure and gave helpful tips on setting up WLAN. The university sports program was also presented by sports and fitness trainees Clara Przyludzki and Melissa Wenzel. A Kahoot game, which the trainees had created independently, provided entertainment to consolidate the newly acquired knowledge. Other interesting offers of the university were presented by Göttingen International, the Staff Council and the JAV, the BGM with a moving break and the Department of Personnel Administration and Development.

This year, the Welcome Day took online place ,but the traditional blue duffel bag of the BGM with many documents for the trainees was not missing this time either and was sent to the trainees in advance as a welcome to their new workplaces.

This year, 36 young people started their training in 19 different professions at the university. The University (excluding University Medicine) is thus currently training 106 apprentices in 21 occupations.
34 trainees at the University of Göttingen successfully completed their training in 2020.

The best of last year's class will, of course, receive their certificates and bonuses for their outstanding performance in the coming weeks - only the ceremonial setting will be omitted.

The Human Resources and Organizational Development Team